This inscription, which contains many technical terms related to building construction, is believed to refer to a temple of Asklepios at Mytilene; but archaeologists have not yet located the temple.
Most of the Greek text is known only from an inaccurate copy made by Cyriacus of Ancona in about 1431 A.D. This translation is taken from the revised text and commentary by A.J. Heisserer, "Observations on IG XII 2, 10 and 11" ( PDF, with diagram of the extension ). There is also a French translation by M-C. Hellmann, "Choix d'Inscriptions Architecturales", no. 14 ( Persée ).
. . . [and the contractor shall extend the foundation] at the long side towards the north by 2 cubits, clearing the ground for the additional foundation {prosthemelion}, the part beside the prodomos and the opisthodomos down to the same ground-level {edaphos} as that for the currently existing foundation, the rest he shall clear towards the under-surface {ephedra} of the currently existing [? levelling course {hypeuthynteria}]; but if any soft ground lies under the area of the additional foundation, he shall clear [it out and (?) fill up to the proper level] with foundation-stone {pōros}, himself supplying the foundation-stone on his own account; and having done this, he shall receive 8 obols for each cubit laid, linear measure, doing the work just as it is prescribed with respect to the foundations: making the smallest blocks to be used 1½ cubits in length, 1 cubit in width, and 4 spans in height, placing them in cuttings in the hardpan according to the downward slope {kataphora} of the terrain, placing them in alternation course by course to the ones below. Then, having laid 3 layers of stone (?) to the same ground-level as that for the currently existing foundation, and having scraped them
to be true to the mason's level {diabetes} towards the bedding {hedra} of the existing foundation and having worked the beddings of the existing foundation to be true to the rule {kanon} by means of a hammer and the joints to be true and squared [? at all places], and having sand-polished them to be firm by means of a chisel, he shall then lay the additional foundation, making the length of the long side of the pteron 72 cubits and 7 fingers, and making the additional foundation of the stylobate of the cella to be equal [with the currently existing foundation] . . .
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