Inscriptions in honour of Greek sculptors are rare, and the only surviving decrees similar to this one from the Hellenistic period are those in honour of Damophon ( inscription 160 ). Telesinos is virtually unknown apart from this inscription; see A.Stewart, "One Hundred Greek Sculptors" ( perseus - with another English translation ). There is a German translation of the inscription by H. Kotsidu, "TIMĒ KAI DOXA", p. 198 ( Google Books ).
It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Timonax son of Diodotos; since Telesinos was tasked by the people of Delos to make statues of Asklepios and queen Stratonike; and since he contributed them to the people and made the statue of Asklepios of bronze and the statue of the queen [of stone]; 10 and since he made them [well], and carefully . . . and since he used his personal skill to rescue and restore the other statues in the temple that required [it] for no charge; and since he has chosen to be a benefactor of the temple and the Delians; therefore it is resolved by the people to praise Telesinos [of Athens and to crown] him with a laurel crown 20 and to [announce] at the Apollonia that [the people of Delos] crowns Telesinos [of Athens] for his piety towards the temple in Delos [and his goodwill towards] the people of Delos; [and to grant him the status of] proxenos and benefactor; [and to give him] and his descendants [(?) the right to own land] C . . . and [the right of first access to the council and] people [after sacred matters; and to give them all the other privileges that [are held by other] proxenoi and benefactors of the [temple and the Delians]. The council shall inscribe this decree in the council house, and the hieropoioi shall inscribe it on a stone stele in the temple [and place] it wherever seems best. The council put the resolution
[to the vote].
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