Most of the evidence for the use of 'foreign judges' in Hellenistic states comes from western Asia Minor and the Aegean islands. But in the 2nd century B.C., the practice spread to the Greek mainland; see A.Magnetto, "Interstate Arbitration and Foreign Judges", section 2.2 ( ).
The first half of the decree has been translated into English by L. Rubinstein, "Spoken Words, Written Submissions, and Diplomatic Conventions", page 197 ( ). There is a French translation of the inscription with photographs and comments by Claire Tuan.
God, good fortune. It was decided by the city of Delphi in a regular assembly [with the number of votes] required by law. Since the Opountians have been constant, also in previous times, in their goodwill towards our city, and now, when an embassy was sent to them by our city in order that three men would be chosen as judges who would be present in our community and conduct the trials with complete fairness, they received our envoy with generosity and, having paid heed to his requests 10 they made an account of their conduct towards our city from the earliest times and dispatched as judges Sosthenes son of Harmon, Tharses son of Armenos, Aineson son of Boulikos and, as secretary, Menestas son of Polemarchos; and when these men arrived here their conduct during their residence was worthy of those who sent them and of our city; and as for the lawsuits, some they judged and others they resolved, regarding as most important piety towards the gods and justice and what was most advantageous to all Delphians; 20 therefore it is resolved by the city to praise the city of Opous for sending these men, and to praise the judges Sosthenes son of Harmon, Tharses son of Armenos, and Aineson son of Boulikos, and the secretary Menestas son of Polemarchos, and to crown them with a laurel crown as is traditional for the Delphians. They and their descendants shall have proxeny, joint citizenship {isopoliteia}, priority in access to the oracle, inviolability, freedom from taxes, privileged seating at all the games that the city holds, and the other privileges that are granted to other proxenoi and benefactors of the city. 30 The epidamiorgoi Antigenes and Mnasitheos shall send to them the largest gifts of hospitality that are sanctioned by the laws. When Philokrates was archon, and the councillors for the second half of the year were Xenon son of Philokrates, Astoxenos and Aristion.
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