This inscription, which was found at Teos, is similar to the decrees of other states in reponse to envoys from Teos; see for instance Syll_563. But it also refers to the presence of two royal envoys in Crete, who were probably trying to bring an end to the "Cretan War" of the late 3rd century B.C. For an analysis of the inscription, see S.L.Ager, "Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337-90 B.C.", no. 58 ( Google Books ).
Decree of the Eleuthernaians. Since the Teians, who have been our friends and kinsmen from the time of their ancestors, have sent Apollodotos and Kōlōtas as envoys to us with a decree; and coming into the assembly, they described the existing friendship and kinship with them along with other matters, in a [fine and] splendid manner; and they spoke concerning the god and the consecration of the city and its territory in terms consistent 10 with what was recorded in the decree; and they urged us to maintain our friendship and goodwill and to bring about some benefit for them and to extend their request still further; and Hagesandros of Rhodes, the son of Eukrates, who had been sent as an envoy by king Antiochos to bring an end to the war, urged the same thing, lacking nothing of any kind in his zeal and honourable conduct; and Perdikkas, who had been sent by king Philippos, urged the same thing; therefore it is resolved by the kosmoi and the city of Eleutherna 20 to reply to the Teians, who are our friends and kinsmen, that we too favour the worship of Dionysos and we greet and praise your people because you perform the worship in a fine and reverential manner, worthy of the god, and you not only maintain the reverence that you have inherited from your ancestors but have also greatly increased it. Therefore we also give respect and honour to the god and to the Teians, and we recognise their city and its territory as sacred and inviolable, and we will try to increase its honour.
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