
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 13


Greek text:   Iasos_95 , Iasos_96   ( I.Iasos 3 )
Provenance:     Iasos , Caria
Date:   c. 305-295 B.C.
Tags:     autonomy ,   freedom ,   oaths
Format:   see key to translations

These two letters from officers of king Ptolemaios follow on from the treaty between Iasos and Ptolemaios ( inscription_12 ). For a discussion of the letters, see R.S.Bagnall, "The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt", pp.90-91 ( Google Books ).

[A]   Aristoboulos to the council and the people of Iasos, greetings. Your envoys have arrived and have spoken to me, bringing the decree from you, in which it is stated that your city should be [free and] autonomous and in alliance with us; when we asked [them] to provide assurances of this, they agreed to do so; therefore this point was conceded to them. They also spoke to me concerning [the contribution], that they should pay what was right for the guarding of the territory, but they should have control of the harbours and the other revenues; concerning the harbour, we have agreed with them, but concerning the contribution I decided to refer to the king, so that any disputes between us, each proposing a greater or a lesser amount, might not be an obstacle to accomplishing the affairs of the city as we desire; therefore I thought it best to write to you about these matters. Farewell.

The oath that Aristoboulos swore:   I swear by Zeus, Earth {}, Sun {Helios}, Apollo, Ares, Athena Areia, all the other gods and goddesses, and the Tauropolos. I will preserve the liberty and the autonomy of the people of Iasos, and I will allow the Iasians to receive all the revenues of the city and the harbours, but to pay whatever contribution the king prescribes. If anyone wrongs the Iasians, I will not permit it but I will come to their aid by land and by sea with all my strength. I will be well-disposed towards the city of Iasos and I will act well towards it as much as I can in word and deed, without any trickery or deceipt. If I keep my oath, may it turn out well for me; but if I break my oath, may the opposite of this occur.

[B]   Asklepiodotos to the council and the people of Iasos, greetings. Your envoys have spoken to us and requested that we swear the same oath that Aristoboulos swore. Know therefore that we have sworn an oath in these terms. Farewell.

The oath that Asklepiodotos swore:   I swear by Zeus, Gē, Helios, Apollo, Ares, Athena Areia, all the other gods and goddesses, and the Tauropolos. I will preserve the liberty and the autonomy of the people of Iasos, and I will allow the Iasians to receive all the revenues of the city and the harbours, but to pay whatever contribution the king prescribes. If anyone wrongs the Iasians, I will not permit it but I will come to their aid by land and by sea with all my strength. I will be well-disposed towards the city of Iasos and I will act well towards it as much as I can in word [and] deed, without any trickery or deceipt. If I keep my oath, may it turn out well for me; but if I break my oath, may the opposite of this occur.

inscription 14

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