For a discussion of this inscription, see R.S.Bagnall, "The Administration of the Ptolemaic Possessions Outside Egypt", pp.89-90 ( Google Books ). Another treaty of the same period, between Theangela and Eupolemos (Austin_40), was confirmed with similar oaths.
Adapted from the translation by A.Ellis-Evans in "Dynasts and Kings".
[A] . . . Polemaios . . . It was resolved by [the council] and the people of the [Iasians] . . . [(?) since] Polemaios [(?) made the city free and autonomous and ungarrisoned and exempt from tribute] . . . Machaon and [his soldiers, and Hieron and his] soldiers, and Sopolis [and his] soldiers . . . worthily . . . Polemaios . . . to Polemaios son of Polemaios . . . Polemaios will restore the citadels [and the city] . . .
[B] And he will restore everything which was in the citadels . . . . And the provisions and pay owed to Machaon [and Hieron] and Sopolis and their soldiers the Iasians will return to the . . . of whoever was in debt to them in 15 days from the day on which those who have been sent to Ptolemaios come into his presence, and having taken back from Machaon the citadels and what is in the citadels and the city, each will make promises. Let Machaon and Hieron and Sopolis and their soldiers who live in the city and reside there according to the laws of the Iasians and are being discharged go wherever they want by land or by sea in safety. Ignore all charges these men and their soldiers have made against the Iasians and those who live at Iasos, and likewise those the Iasians and those who live at Iasos have made in the past [before] the agreements. Let the same safety which . . . be allowed to the wife of Aristokles and the . . . of Aristokles and to the children of Molon and to Syros and to Ischyros . . . daughter and to the wife of Hestiaios and to the children and [descendants of] . . .
[C] The Iasians and those who live in the city [swore] to Ptolemaios that, while they were [free] and autonomous and ungarrisoned and exempt from tribute, they would be allies to Ptolemaios and his descendants for all time.
And Machaon and Hieron and Sopolis and their soldiers swore this to the Iasians, and the Iasians to Machaon and Hieron and Sopolis and their soldiers. And let this be the oath for Machaon and Hieron and Sopolis and the soldiers: I swear by Zeus, Earth {Gē}, Sun {Helios}, Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, Ares, Athena Areia {"warlike"}, all the other gods and goddesses and the Tauropolos. I will abide by the agreements which I have made with the Iasians and I will not receive a soldier from anyone for four days after that on which the men are sent to Ptolemaios, nor later without the permission of the Iasians. I shall do so without treachery and deceit. And may it be well with me and my kin who swear truly, but for the one who swears falsely the opposite of these things. And the Iasians swore the same oath to Machaon and Sopolis and Hieron and their soldiers.
And Ptolemaios swore this oath: I swear by Zeus, Earth, Sun, Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, Ares, Athena Areia, all the other gods and goddesses and the Tauropolos. I shall preserve the agreements which the Iasians have made with Machaon and Hieron and Sopolis and their soldiers and the others who are written down in the agreements. I shall do so without treachery and deceit. And may it be well with me and my kin who swear truly, but for the one who swears falsely the opposite of these things.
And the Iasians swore this to Ptolemaios and Ptolemaios to the Iasians. Let this be the oath: I swear by Zeus, Earth, Sun, Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, Ares, Athena Areia, all the other gods and goddesses and the Tauropolos. I shall be well-disposed to Ptolemaios and I shall be an ally, both to him and his descendants for all time, being free and autonomous and ungarrisoned and exempt from tribute. I shall do so without treachery and deceit. And may it be well with me and my kin who swear truly, but for the one who swears falsely the opposite of these things.
Ptolemaios swore to the Iasians this oath: I swear by [Zeus, Earth], Sun, Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, Ares, [Athena Areia], all the other gods [and goddesses and] the Tauropolos. I shall preserve [the city of the Iasians . . . free and autonomous] and ungarrisoned and [exempt from tribute] . . .
[D] . . . the neopoiai will inscribe [this decree . . .] and place it in the sanctuary of Zeus . . .
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