
OGIS: 67


Greek text:   IG_11.4.1038 ,   IG_11.4.563
Date:   c. 280-270 B.C.
Tags:     leagues
Format:   see key to translations

It seems likely that decree B (not included by Dittenberger) was passed by the city of Delos in response to decree A; see A.Meeus, "The Career of Sostratos of Knidos" ( Google Books ).   As well as these two decrees, Sostratos was honoured by two statues on the island of Delos, set up by the city of Kaunos and by Etearchos, a citizen of Kyrene.

[A]   . . . [and accomplished] everything else [with] goodwill for the islanders, which . . . to (?) Xeneas . . . and Bakchon . . . and the goodwill [that] Sostratos continually shows towards the islanders; and that he provides assistance to those who arrive to meet the king, with all enthusiasm both [saying] and doing whatever good things he can on behalf of the islanders; therefore it is resolved by the councillors to praise Sostratos of Knidos, the son of Dexiphanes, on account of his virtue [and] the goodwill that he continually shows on every occasion towards king Ptolemaios and the islanders, and to crown him with a golden crown of three thousand Alexandrian drachmas, and to announce the award of the crown at the next Ptolemaia in Delos; and he shall be granted citizenship in all the islands [that] take part in the assembly both for himself [and for his descendants], and freedom from taxes on everything that he imports and exports, and privileged seating at all the games, and access to the council and people if he requires anything, second only after sacred matters. A portion of honour from the victims, that the islanders sacrifice in Delos to the other gods and to Ptolemaios Soter and to king Ptolemaios, shall be sent from each festival to the hearth of Sostratos in Knidos, both to him and to his descendants as if to our brothers, and the managers of the sacrifice shall always take care that this happens. This decree shall be inscribed on a stone stele and the councillors shall set it up in the temple at Delos. The cities that take part in the assembly shall pass resolutions in accordance with this; and they shall inscribe this decree on stone steles and set them up in the temples, wherever the other awards of honours are recorded by each of the islands.

[B]   It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Amnos son of Dexikrates; since Sostratos of Knidos, the son of Dexikrates, has continually acted as a good man concerning the temple and the city of Delos, and by both words and deeds he does whatever good he can for those of the Delians who meet him; therefore it is resolved to praise him on account of his virtue and goodwill; Sostratos of Knidos, the son of Dexikrates, shall have the status of proxenos and benefactor of the temple and people of Delos, both for himself and for his descendants; they shall have citizenship in Delos, and freedom from all taxes, and privileged seating at games, and the right to own land and buildings, and access to the council and the people second only to sacred matters, and the other privileges that have been given by the Delians to other proxenoi and benefactors of the city. The council shall inscribe this decree in the council-house, and the hieropoioi shall inscribe it in the temple.

inscription 81

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