
OGIS: 46


Greek text:   Halikarnassos_26
Date:   c. 279-221 B.C.
Tags:     buildings ,   subscriptions ,   taxation

The construction of a new stoa was an expensive undertaking for a Greek city, but there is no indication that Halikarnassos received financial assistance from king Ptolemy in this instance. It has been suggested that the joint dedication of the stoa to Apollo and Ptolemy was intended to show the city's gratitude for the king's previous help in restoring a gymnasium ( see Halikarnassos_25 - Greek text ); but the relative dates of the two projects are unknown.

. . . Kallikles to the treasurers, and the treasurers shall promptly give it to the epimeletai, and the epimeletai shall give it to the contractors according to the specifications; and so that those who provide advances towards the stoa, which the people is dedicating to Apollo and king Ptolemaios, may be clearly known to everyone, the exetastai in whose year the stoa is completed shall inscribe in the vestibule of the stoa the names of those who provided an interest-free advance of not less than five hundred drachmas, along with the names of their fathers, writing in addition that these men gave money interest-free to the people for the construction of the stoa; and the name of the man who gave the most shall be inscribed at the top.

In order that the men who provide advances may recover their money, the funds which were assigned for the council-house shall be available to them, after those to whom the funds were previously assigned have recovered their money;   and the funds assigned for the statues shall be available to them - the 2% tax and the tax for registering oaths - after those to whom it was previously voted have recovered their money;   and a talent from the public revenues for each year shall be available to them, when the creditors have been given the six talents assigned from the public revenues, together with the interest, but the remaining money shall be available to the public revenues. In addition there shall be available the money that comes from the stoa, when the columns and the timber and the tiling and the bricks are sold.

Those who give out a contract for the works shall offer the pillars as far as the law-court in the same meeting of the assembly, and the buyer shall give the [money] as a deposit for them to the treasurers within thirty days, and the treasurers . . .

inscription 48

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