The monument in Delos, where this inscription was found, is described by P-A. Kreuz, in "Mithridates VI and the Pontic Kingdom", pp.134-139 ( Google Books ). Arsakes ( Mithridates of Parthia ) is distinguished from the other kings mentioned there by his grand title 'great king of kings'. The significance of the links between the two kings, Mithridates of Pontus and Mithridates of Parthia, is discussed by M.J. Olbrycht in the same volume, pp.167-8 ( Google Books ).
This statue of . . . ...rates, one of the first friends of Arsakes the great king of kings, was dedicated by Helianax of Athens, son of Asklepiodoros, the priest for life of Poseidon Aisios, who is also priest of the great Samothracian gods the Dioskouroi Kabeiroi, to the gods.
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