Dittenberger, following Mommsen, dated this inscription to the reign of Mithridates VI, in about 80 B.C.; but the titles Philopator Philadelphos clearly belong to Mithridates IV; see B.C.McGing, "The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus", page 34 ( Google Books ).
{In Latin:} [King Metradates Philopator and] Philadelphus, son of king Metradates, [dedicates this statue of the people of Rome] on account of [the friendship] and alliance, which exists [between himself and the Romans. Nemanes son of Nemanes and] Mahes son of Mahes went together as envoys to Rome.
{In Greek:} [King Mithradates] Philopator and Philadelphos, [son of king Mithradates], dedicates this statue of the people of [Rome], [which is] his [friend and] ally, on account of its [goodwill] towards him. Naimanes son of Naimanes [and Maēs son of Maēs went as envoys].
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