There have been many different suggestions as to how to fill in the gaps in this inscription, but there is still no consensus amongst scholars. The provenance of the inscription is dubious; see S.M.Sherwin-White & A.Kuhrt, "From Samarkhand to Sardis", page 157 ( Google Books ).
In the reign of king Antiochos, god [Epiphanes, the] saviour of Asia and founder [and benefactor] of our city, in the 146th year . . . at the Thanksgiving {Charistēria} games [on the ... day] towards the end of the month of Hyperberetaios; [this (?) statue] was dedicated [to king Antiochos], god Epiphanes, by [the city and] Philippos, [who] on account of [his nobleness was appointed] in the 144th [year (?) to be our governor] . . .
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