
OGIS: 212


Greek text:   IMT_190   ( I.Ilion 31 )
Date:   c. 300-280 B.C.
Tags:     divine_honours ,   gymnasiarchs
Format:   see key to translations

Dittenberger believed that this fragmentary inscription referred to Seleukos I, but some scholars argue that it refers to Seleukos II; see P.P.Iossif, "Apollo Toxotes and the Seleukids: Comme un air de famille", pp. 244-5 ( ).

. . . as a friend of the [people of Ilion; and he shall have privileged seating] in the theatre at all [the games that are] held by [our] city; and an altar, [as beautiful as possible], shall be [set up] in the [agora] with the inscription: "of king Seleukos" . . . [and] the gymnasiarch [shall perform a sacrifice on the altar] on the twelfth day . . . He shall hold games of youths . . . and every four years [we shall hold], on [the twelfth day] of the month in honour of Seleukos, [contests in music], gymnastics and horse-racing; [on the day when the sacrifice] is performed [to Apollo], the founder of his [family], the twelve [tribes] shall go in procession . . . and there shall be a truce [for the whole month]. The (?) phylarchs shall be given [supplies for the sacrificial offerings, the same] as [they receive] for the [sacrifice] to Athena . . . on behalf of king [Seleukos] . . . and the city . . . in the sacrifice to Athena . . . the temple wardens {hieronomoi}, and in the manner that the . . .

inscription 213

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