This decree appears to have been passed shortly after the reconciliation between Demetrios and Seleukos, when Seleukos married Stratonike, the daughter of Demetrios.
It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Philainetos son of Philophron: since Nikagoras of Rhodes, the son of Aristarchos, who was sent by kings Demetrios and Seleukos to the people of Ephesos and to the other Greeks, when he was brought before the people, spoke concerning the kinship that exists with them and the goodwill that they continually have towards the Greeks, and he renewed the friendship that he previously had with the city; therefore it is resolved by the council and the people to praise Nikagoras for the goodwill that he continually has towards the kings and the people, and to crown him with a golden crown and to announce the award at the Epheseia in the theatre, and to grant him citizenship [on an equal] and similar basis, in the same way as other benefactors; he shall have [privileged seating] at the games, and the right to sail into and out of the city both in war [and in peacetime], and freedom from taxes on what he imports or exports or takes for his own home, [and access to]the council and the people second only to sacred matters; and [his descendants shall have] the same rights. The neopoiai shall inscribe the privileges awarded to him [in the temple] of Artemis, and the essenes shall allot him to a tribe and [a ‘thousand’], so that all may know that the people of Ephesos [honours] with suitable [rewards those] who are zealous for the interests [of the Greeks] and of the people; and the [steward {oikonomos}] shall send him gifts of hospitality . . .
He was allotted to the Epheseus tribe and the Lebedios ‘thousand’.
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