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1 | SIC Hamilcar defeats Agathocles in a second battle, at the Olympium near Syracuse.
* Read Polyaenus' account @ Polyaen_6.41'1,* '2; ~Just_22.3'10. |
2 | ROM P.Sempronius fails to stop Ap.Claudius remaining in office as censor.
@ +Liv_9.33'3-34'26. |
3 | ETR Roman victory over the Etruscans near Sutrium.
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.35'1; +Liv_9.33'1-2,* 35'1-8; Frontin:Str_2.5'2; { CAH_7.2'663.} |
4 | Fabius crosses the Ciminian forest.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.35'3-4;* +Liv_9.36'1-14, 10.24'5; Frontin:Str_1.2'2; { CAH_7.2'373; Green_687.} |
5 | MES << Antigonus is shown a specimen of an incense-tree.
@ Plin:HN_12'56;L { Probably associated with Demetrius' campaigns in Arabia and Babylonia, before Seleucus' successes in the east.} |
6 | << Demetrius leads a raid against Babylonia, during which he briefly gains control of one of the citadels of Babylon.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.100'3-7;* Plut:Demetr_7'2-4; { Errington_p33=311.} |
7 | GRE ?? Sayings of Dorion the piper, addressed to Nicocreon of Cyprus and others.
@ Athen_8.337'd-338'b; { Nicocles of Paphos and Nicocreon of Salamis may be two separate kings, but they are so confused by the ancient sources, that it is impossible to disentangle them.} |
8 | ?? Sayings of Stratonicus the citharist, addressed to Areius, Axiothea, Berisades, Cleon, Diodorus, Mynnacus, Phaon, Philotas, Propis, Ptolemy, Satyrus, Telephanes, Zethus and others.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Cic:ND_3'50; Athen_4.163'e-f<q"* Timae_16>, 8.347'f-352'c. |
9 | CYP ?? Stratonicus is put to death by Nicocles because of an insulting remark.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_8.349'f,* 352'd. |
10 | ?? The philosopher Menedemus narrowly escapes punishment for his blunt remarks to Nicocreon.
@ DiogLaert_2'129-130. |
10a | ++ Nicocreon possesses a deer with four horns.
@ Aelian:NA_11'40. |
11 | Ptolemy forces Nicocles, the king of Paphos, to commit suicide.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +MarmPar_B'17; +Diod_20.21'1-3;* Polyaen_8.48'1; { Hölbl_p19; Errington_p43.} |
11a | << The beginning of the era of the city of Citium.
@ THI_253. |
12 | SIC {14 August} Agathocles sails out of Syracuse after arranging for the defence of the city.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.3'1-5'4;* Plut:Pyrrh_14'10; Polyaen_5.3'5; Just_22.4'1-5'2; Oros_4.6'24; { CAH_7.1'394; Green_222.} |
13 | {15 August} An eclipse of the sun alarms Agathocles' men.
* Read Justin's account @ !MarmPar_B'16; +Diod_20.5'5; Frontin:Str_1.12'9; Just_22.6'1-3.* |
14 | AFR {20 August} Agathocles lands at Latomiae in Africa.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +MarmPar_B'18; +Diod_20.6'1-3,* 69'5; Liv_28.43'21; ValMax_7.4e'1. |
15 | Agathocles burns his boats.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_17.23'2-3, 20.7'1-8'1;* Polyaen_5.3'5; Just_22.5'2-6'4; Oros_4.6'24-25. |
16 | ITA Marcius captures Allifae.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.35'2;* +Liv_9.38'1. |
17 | MAC Cassander helps Audoleon, king of the Paeonians, after an invasion by the Autariatae.
* Read Justin's account @ Diod_3.30'3<q" Agatharch_60>; +Diod_20.19'1; Just_15.2'1-2;* Oros_3.23'36-37. |
18 | PEL Ptolemaeus, a general in the Peloponnese, defects from Antigonus.
@ +Diod_20.19'2. |
19 | CIL Demetrius defeats the generals of Ptolemy in Cilicia.
@ +Diod_20.19'3-5; { Hölbl_p19; Errington_p40.} |
20 | ETR Fabius defeats the Etruscans in a second battle (? near Perusia).
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.35'4; Liv_9.37'1-11,* 40'18-19. |
21 | AFR Agathocles captures Megalopolis and Tunis.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.8'2-7;* Just_22.6'5; Oros_4.6'25. |
22 | ETR The Etruscan cities of Perusia, Corsona, and Arretium agree to a thirty years' truce with Rome.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.35'5;* +Liv_9.37'12; { CAH_7.2'373.} |
23 | ITA A drawn battle between Marcius' army and the Samnites.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.26'3-4;* +Liv_9.38'4-8. |
24 | AFR Agathocles defeats a Carthaginian army under Hanno and Bomilcar.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.10'5-13'4;* Just_22.6'5-7; Oros_4.6'25-26. |
25 | SIC Hamilcar makes an unsuccessful attack on Syracuse.
@ +Diod_20.15'1-16'9; { ~CAH_7.1'401.} |
26 | AFR The Carthaginians recall their army from Sicily, but Agathocles captures Hadrumetum and other towns.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.17'1-6;* Just_22.6'8-12; Oros_4.6'26-27. |
27 | PEL Polyperchon sets up Heracles as a pretender to the Macedonian throne.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.20'1-4;* Just_15.2'3; { Green_28.} |
28 | BOS Satyrus is killed while attacking Aripharnes, king of the Siraces, and is succeeded by Eumelus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.23'1-24'5,* 26'1, 100'7. |
29 | AFR Agathocles makes a surprise attack on the Carthaginian army near Tunis.
@ +Diod_20.18'1-3; { ~CAH_7.1'396.} |
30 | MAC << Cassander murders Alexander IV and his mother Roxane.
* Read Justin's account @ +MarmPar_B'18; ~FGrH_155.1'6, 2'3; +Diod_19.105'1-4; Paus_9.7'2; Just_15.2'5,* '13-14, 16.1'15; Trog:Prol_15; PsCallisth_3'17;(↓↓) [Euseb]:Chron_231; Suda_I'567; { CAH_7.1'495; Errington_p34; Hölbl_p19=310/09.} |
30a | GRE ?? Document: Syll_321, an Athenian decree, concerning two Carthaginian envoys. |
31 | ?? Aristoxenus, the musical theorist, is a parasite of Neleus.
@ Lucian:Par_35; { OCD³.} |
32 | ?? Anecdotes about Eucrates "the Lark", including sayings addressed to Chaerephon, Gnome, Phyromachus, Polyctor, Ptolemy, and others.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_6.241'a-242'b,* 245'd-246'a; { The stories about Eucrates belong to the period shortly after the death of Alexander..} |
33 | ++ General comments about the courtesan Nanniŏn, nick-named "Goat" and "Proscenium".
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_13.587'a-b<q"* Antiphanes>; Apollod:Fr_211. |
34 | AEG ?? Theopompus is afflicted by a temporary madness, after attempting to write down part of the Hebrew scriptures.
@ Aristeas_314-315; Joseph:AJ_12'112. |
35 | ++ Theopompus the historian is involved in politics at Chios.
@ Strab_14'645;(1.35) { ~ OCD³.} |
36 | ASI ?? Document: Austin_40,B a treaty between Eupolemus and the city of Theangela. |
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