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1 | ROM {March -R} Interregnum without consuls.
@ +Liv_10.11'10. |
2 | ROM The Romans declare war on the Samnites.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.11'11-12'3;* DionHal_17.1'1-3'1; { CAH_7.2'377.} |
3 | SYR << Seleucus meets Demetrius at Rhossus, and marries his daughter Stratonice.
* Read Plutarch's account @ (?) +MarmPar_B'27; Nepos_21.3'3; ~Plut:Demetr_31'5-32'3;* Malal_198; { CAH_7.1'104; OCD³.} |
4 | CIL << Demetrius seizes control of Cilicia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Demetr_20'8,* ~32'4; { CAH_7.1'104; Green_689.} |
5 | << Demetrius marries the daughter of Ptolemy.
@ ~Plut:Demetr_32'5-6; { Green_129.} |
6 | GRE << Peace between Cassander and Athens.
@ +MarmPar_B'27. |
7 | << Philippides obtains wheat and other aid for Athens from Lysimachus.
@ Syll_374'10-17<t= BD_13>; { Errington_p53.} |
8 | EGY << Demetrius sends Pyrrhus to Ptolemy "as a hostage".
@ ~Plut:Pyrrh_4'5; { CAH_7.1'106, 72'459.} |
9 | EXT << Pharnavaz becomes king of the Iberians.
@ ChronGeorg_3;(↓) { Traditional date, according to C.Toumanoff.} |
10 | ASI << Document: OGIS_213, an inscription at Didyma in honour of Antiochus son of Seleucus. { ~Errington_p134.} |
10a | << Document: Austin_51,B a decree of Miletus in honour of Apama, the wife of Seleucus. |
11 | ETR Scipio invades Etruria.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_1.7; +Liv_10.12'3-8;* { CAH_7.2'377.} |
12 | ITA Fulvius defeats the Samnites at Bovianum.
@ +Liv_10.12'9; { CAH_7.2'664.} |
13 | SYR Demetrius and Seleucus quarrel over Tyre and Sidon.
@ ~Plut:Demetr_32'7-8; { CAH_7.1'104.} |
14 | ROM Elections for new consuls are dominated by the threat from the Etruscans and Samnites.
@ +Liv_10.13'2-13; { CAH_7.2'398.} |
15 | {13 November -R} The triumph of Fulvius, over the Samnites and Etruscans.
* Read Livy's account @ #Liv_10.13'1;* +FastTr_p97. |
16 | ETR Roman colony founded at Carseoli.
@ +Liv_10.13'1; { CAH_7.2'376, '391.} |
17 | MAC ?? The wedding feast of Caranus.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_3.126'e, 4.128'a-130'd;* { This must have been soon after the banquet given by Lamia in 302 B.C. One of the guests, Proteas, was the grandson of a contemporary of Alexander.} |
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| 07.10.24
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