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1 | GRE << The opponents of Lachares, led by Charias, are condemned to death by the Athenians.
@ ~FGrH_257a'1-2; { At the same time as, or shortly before, the death of Cassander.} |
2 | EXT ?? The fictional voyage of Euhemerus in the Indian Ocean, in which he discovers the island of Panchaea.
@ Diod_6.1'4-10; { Green_55; Euhemerus lived during the reign of Cassander.} |
3 | THR ?? Alexarchus the son of Antipater founds Uranopolis.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_3.98'd-f<q"* Heracleid>; Strab_7.fr'5.(7.12) |
4 | ?? Cassander attacks a fortified camp of Gauls on Mount Haemus.
@ Plin:HN_31'53.L |
5 | MAC ?? Cassander is disturbed by the sight of a statue of Alexander.
@ Plut:Alex_74'6. |
6 | ?? Cassander commissions a famous painting by Philoxenus of Eretria, of a battle between Alexander and Dareius.
@ Plin:HN_35'110. |
7 | ?? Cassander memorises large parts of the poems of Homer.
@ Athen_14.620'b. |
7a | ?? Document: Syll_332, recording a grant of land given by Cassander to Perdiccas. |
8 | ++ The policy of Cassander towards the Greek states.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_2.41'10, 9.29'5-6;* Strab_9'398;(1.20) Paus_1.4'1. |
9 | {Artemisios -M = April/May} Death of Cassander.
* Read Justin's account @ Plut:Demetr_36'1; #FGrH_257a'3; Paus_9.7'2; DiogLaert_5'78; Just_15.4'24-25,* 16.1'1, '2; Trog:Prol_15; +[Euseb]:Chron_231, 241, 245; +Hieron:Chron_1719; Oros_3.23'49; ExcBarb_44A; { CAH_7.1'104; Errington_p53.} |
10 | ITA Fabius defeats the Samnites, while Decius invades Apulia.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.14'1-15'2;* Frontin:Str_2.4'2. |
11 | The consuls spend five months laying waste to Samnium.
@ +Liv_10.15'3-6; { CAH_7.2'398.} |
12 | ?? The Bruttii attack Agathocles by night at Ethae, and force him to return to Sicily.
@ ~Diod_21.3'1; { ~CAH_7.1'407.} |
13 | EXT ?? Sandracottus conquers most of India.
@ Plut:Alex_62'4; { OCD³.} |
14 | ++ Megasthenes stays in India as Seleucus' ambassador to Sandracottus.
* Read Clement's account @ Strab_2'70,(1.9) 15'702,(1.36) '709,(1.53) '711;(1.57) Arrian:Ind_5'3, 9'9; ClemAl:Strom_1'15;* (↓↓) { Green_610.} |
15 | MAC Document: Diyll_, the fragments of the history written by Diyllus of Athens, which covered the period 357-297 B.C.
@ +FGrH_257a'3; { OCD³.} |
16 | MAC The Athenians send Demochares as an envoy to Philippus.
@ Sen:Dial_5.23'1-3; { The only way to make sense of Seneca's story, is to suppose that it refers to this Philippus rather than the father of Alexander.} |
17 | {August/Sept.} Death of Philippus, son of Cassander.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Demetr_36'1;* ~FGrH_257a'3; Just_16.1'1; { CAH_7.1'104; Errington_p53.} |
17a | ASI {Metageitnion -G = ? August/Sept.} Hieron, tyrant of Priene, is deposed after ruling for three years.
@ THI_41; Syll_599'80-83, '110-114, '125-126; Paus_7.2'10. |
18 | PON Zipoetes proclaims himself king of Bithynia; the start of the local eras of Bithynia and Bosporus.
@ DionHal:Fr_5; SEG_19.504; { OCD³; Errington_p322.} |
19 | ROM Fabius refuses to stand for re-election as consul for the following year, in spite of pressure for two patricians to be elected.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Brut_55; +Liv_10.15'7-16'1.* |
20 | EGY Demetrius Phalereus leaves Greece, and goes to the court of Ptolemy in Egypt.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:Fin_5'54; Strab_9'398;(1.20) DiogLaert_5'78;* !Hieron:Chron_1714; { CAH_7.1'127; OCD³.} |
21 | ASI ?? Document: Syll_363, an decree of Ephesus in honour of Aenetus. |
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