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1 | SYR << Ptolemy's navy mounts a counter-attack against the territory of Antiochus.
@ +AstrDiar_273B.rev'29-30; Paus_1.7'3; |
2 | MES {Adar -B = March} The Babylonians send reinforcements, including 20 elephants, to Antiochus in Syria.
@ +AstrDiar_273B.rev'30-33, up'1-2; { Hölbl_p40.} |
3 | ITA << Pyrrhus recalls his son and other officers from Tarentum.
@ ~Just_25.3'6; { CAH_7.2'483; Green_231.} |
4 | MAC Antigonus is defeated by Ptolemy the son of Pyrrhus in a second battle.
@ ~Just_25.3'7-8; { CAH_7.1'499.} |
5 | SYR << The poet Aratus goes to stay with Antiochus in Syria.
@ Vit:Arat_1'p8, 3'p16; { Green_184; Aratus was probably forced to leave Macedonia as a result of Pyrrhus' invasion.} |
6 | GRE << Document: Syll_414 & 415, decrees of Delphi in honour of Timocrates of Athens and Eugeiton of Tanagra. |
7 | ETR The inhabitants of Caere make peace with the Romans.
* Read Dio's account @ DioCass_fr.33'1;* ~Zonar_8'6;(p367) { CAH_7.2'423.} |
8 | ROM The Romans elect new consuls to take command of the war in Southern Italy.
@ Liv_24.9'8. |
9 | GRE {22 Pyanepsion -G = Oct./Nov.} Document: Syll_400, an Athenian decree in honour of the prytaneis. |
10 | Document: Syll_416, a decree of the Amphictyons in honour of Cephalion and Boïdiŏn of Megara. |
10a | PEL Document: SEG_25.447, a decree of Alipheira in Arcadia, announcing an amnesty after intervention by Cleonymus. |
11 | EGY {Peritius -M} Document: SelPap_1.66 (PCairZen_59001), recording a loan of 34 drachmae of silver from Dionysius to Isidorus. |
12 | ROM >> The first Egyptian embassy to Rome.
* Read Dionysius' account @ DionHal_20.14'1-2;* ~[Liv]:Per_14; ValMax_4.3'9; DioCass_fr.41'1; Just_18.2'8-9; +Eutrop_2.15'1; ~Zonar_8'6;(p367) { CAH_7.2'449; Green_177.} |
13 | ITA >> The Romans establish colonies at Cosa and Paestum.
* Read Velleius' account @ ~[Liv]:Per_14; Strab_5'251;(4.13) +Vell_1.14'7;* Plin:HN_3'51; { CAH_7.2'481, '491; OCD³.} |
14 | ROM >> The punishment of Sextilia, a Vestal Virgin.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_14;* ~Oros_4.2'8. |
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| 25.11.24
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