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1 | GRE {11 Poseideon -G = Dec./Jan.} Document: Syll_386 & 387, Athenian decrees in honour of Strombichus. |
2 | ROM {1 February -R} The second triumph of N.Fabius, over the Sallentini and Messapii.
@ #FastTr_p99. |
2a | {5 February -R} The second triumph of D.Junius, over the Sallentini and Messapii.
@ #FastTr_p99. |
3 | An embassy from Apollonia is assaulted by some Roman youths, who are promptly punished.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_15;* ValMax_6.6'5; DioCass_fr.42'1; +Zonar_8'7.(p373) |
4 | ETR Civil strife between citizens and ex-slaves at Vulsinii.
* Read Zonaras' account @ ValMax_9.1e'2; Flor_1.16'1; [Vict]:VirIll_36'1; ~Oros_4.5'3-5; +Zonar_8'7;* (p375) { CAH_7.2'424.} |
4a | GRE << Document: Syll_388, an Athenian decree in honour of the archon Nicias. |
4b | << Document: Syll_438, a decree of Delphi in honour of Cotys, king of the Thracians. |
5 | ?? Sayings of the philosopher Ctesibius of Chalcis.
@ Athen_4.162'e-163'a; { Ctesibius was a contemporary of Menedemus.} |
6 | ?? Menedemus founds the Eretrian school of philosophy.
* Read Strabo's account @ Cic:Acad_2'129; Strab_9'393;* (1.8) DiogLaert_1'19, 2'126; Suda_S'829. |
7 | ?? Menedemus is exiled from Eretria.
@ DiogLaert_2'142. |
8 | ?? A saying of Straton, about the followers of Menedemus.
@ Plut:Mor_472'E. |
9 | ?? Betion talks to Menedemus about his life with Bion.
@ DiogLaert_4'54. |
10 | ?? Sayings of Menedemus, addressed to Alexinus, Antigonus, Bion, Hierocles, and others.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Plut:Mor_81'E,(10) 536'B; DiogLaert_2'127-129,* '135-136. |
11 | ?? Menedemus offers frugal meals to his friends.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_10.419'e-420'c;* DiogLaert_2'139-140. |
12 | ++ General comments on the character and beliefs of Menedemus.
* Read Diogenes' account @ DiogLaert_2'126-127,* '130-136, '140. |
13 | ?? The death of Menedemus of Eretria.
@ DiogLaert_2'142-144; { OCD³.} |
14 | ?? A saying of Crates, about a youth talking to himself.
@ Sen:Ep_10'1. |
15 | ?? The death of Crates of Athens, the Academic philosopher; Arcesilaus succeeds him as head of the Academic school.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Phld:Acad_18;B ~DiogLaert_4'23<x>,* '32; Suda_P'1707; { The exact year has been lost from the text of Diogenes Laertius.} |
15a | EGY {28 Pachon -E = July} Document: AET_2.7, recording the prayer of a blind man. |
16 | PON ?? Mithridates I of Pontus greatly expands his kingdom during his long reign.
@ ~Diod_20.111'4. |
17 | << The death of Mithridates I, at the age of 84 years.
@ Lucian:Macr_13; { OCD³.} |
18 | SYR << Seleucus, son of Antiochus I, is put to death and his brother Antiochus becomes co-regent.
@ Cuneif_P461263'r2-4; Trog:Prol_26; { Errington_p117.} |
19 | PEL ?? Antigonus says to his son, "Our kingship is a noble servitude".
@ Aelian:VH_2'20. |
19b | Document: Syll_433, a statue of Areus, dedicated by Ptolemy at Olympia. |
20 | ?? Two sayings of Areus, about virtuous women and Sicilian tyrants.
@ Plut:Mor_217'F. |
21 | The Spartan king Areus is defeated and killed by Antigonus at the Isthmus; (?) the death of Halcyoneus, son of Antigonus.
* Read Pausanias' account @ ~Diod_20.29'1; Plut:Agis_3'7, :Mor_119'C-D; Paus_2.6'4-6;* Aelian:VH_3'5; Trog:Prol_26; { CAH_7.1'238; Errington_p89.} |
22 | EGY ?? Document: Austin_295B (POxy_2465), extracts from laws concerning sacrifices to Arsinoe. |
23 | {10 Thoth -E = November} Document: BD_92, a letter from Xanthus to Euphranor. |
24 | ROM >> The punishment of Caparronia, a Vestal Virgin.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ +Hieron:Chron_1752;* ~Oros_4.5'9. |
25 | >> Censorinus is elected censor for the second time.
* Read Fasti's account @ +FastCap_p54;* ValMax_4.1'3; Plut:Cor_1'1. |
26 | >> Q.Fabius becomes an augur.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_30.26'7;* ~ValMax_8.13'3; ~Plin:HN_7'156. |
27 | ++ The contented poverty of Fabricius.
* Read Ammianus' account @ Cic:Tusc_3'56; Verg:Aen_6'843-844; ValMax_4.4'3; Sen:Dial_1.3'6; AmmMarc_24.3'5.* |
28 | ?? The death of C.Fabricius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Leg_2'58;L ValMax_4.4'10; Plut:Mor_282'F;* { ~ OCD³; last mentioned as censor in 275 B.C.} |
29 | GRE ?? Document: Syll_421, a treaty between Acarnania and the Aetolian League. { Errington_91; Scholten_79?260.} |
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