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1 | ROM << The Romans start to build a new fleet.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_1.38'5-6;* ~Diod_23.18'3; ~Eutrop_2.22'3; { CAH_7.2'557.} |
2 | EGY ?? Document: Austin_308B (PCairZen_59451), a letter from the "hierodouloi" of Bubastis to Zenon. |
3 | ?? Document: SelPap_2.397, a log of transactions at a postal station. |
4 | ?? Document: BD_114, a complaint about discrimination sent to Zenon. |
5 | {Phamenoth -E = April/May} Document: BD_135, a letter to Zenon from Epharmostus, asking for release from prison. |
6 | {23 Dystrus -M = 30 Phamenoth -E = May} Document: BD_112 (PCairZen_59202), a letter from Apollonius to Zenon about a brewery. |
6a | {10 Xandicus -M = ? June} Document: THI_85.10, recording the names of a garrison in the Egyptian desert. |
6b | GRE ?? Document: Syll_409, an Athenian decree in honour of Phaedrus. { Errington_p108; see T.L.Shear, "Kallias of Sphettos", p.10.} |
6c | LYC ?? Document: SEG_54.1442, a decree of Tlos honouring a general who defeated the Galatians. |
6d | CYP << Document: THI_253, a Phoenician dedication at Idalion. |
7 | CAP ?? The accession of Ariarathes III of Cappadocia.
@ Diod_31.19'2; { OCD³; Errington_p119.} |
8 | PON << Ziaelas, the eldest son of Nicomedes, invades Bithynia and establishes himself as king.
@ Memn_14'2-3; { CAH_7.1'425; Errington_p120?250.} |
9 | SIC The Roman fleet picks up the survivors of the previous year's shipwreck at Messene.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_1.38'6-7;* +Zonar_8'14.(p435) |
10 | The Carthaginian general Carthalo captures Acragas.
@ ~Diod_23.18'2; { CAH_7.2'557.} |
11 | NUM Hamilcar punishes the Numidians for their support of Regulus.
@ ~Oros_4.9'9; { CAH_7.2'670.} |
12 | SIC The Romans besiege Drepana.
@ ~Diod_23.18'3. |
13 | The Romans capture Panormus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Polyb_1.38'7-10; Cic:Rep_1'1; ~Diod_23.18'4-5;* Sen:Ep_114'17; Flor_1.18'12; [Vict]:VirIll_39'2; +Zonar_8'14;(p435) { CAH_7.2'557.} |
14 | Iaetia, Tyndaris, and other towns surrender to the Romans.
@ ~Diod_23.18'5; { CAH_7.2'557.} |
15 | The Carthaginians capture some Roman ships returning from Panormus.
* Read Dio's account @ DioCass_fr.43'29a;* +Zonar_8'14.(p435) |
15a | {26 Panemus -M = 1 Mesore -E = September} Document: SelPap_1.90A, a letter from Apollonius about envoys from Paerisades. |
15b | ROM {1 October -R} Atilius dedicates a temple to Fides.
@ #CIL_add.7'Oct1; Cic:ND_2'61; { CAH_7.2'670; OCD³.} |
16 | AEG ?? Dedications made by Stratonice and Echenice at the temple of Apollo on Delos.
@ BD_130'C. |
17 | ASI ?? Poets write in praise of Stratonice's hair, even though an illness has left her partly bald.
@ Lucian:PrIm_5. |
18 | ?? The artist Ctesicles displays a painting at Ephesus, insulting Stratonice, the wife of Antiochus I.
@ Plin:HN_35'140; { Stratonice died shortly before the marriage of her daughter, also called Stratonice, to Demetrius.} |
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| 15.01.25
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