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1 | EGY {Hyperberetaeus -M = May/June} Document: BD_125A, a contract between Sosus, a flutist, and Olympias, a dancer. |
2 | ?? The Stoic philosopher Sphaerus goes to Egypt at the request of king Ptolemy.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_8.354'e-f;* DiogLaert_7'177, '185; { Diogenes Laertius calls the king Philopator, but he also says that Sphaerus was sent out by Cleanthes, and it is unlikely to have been after the death of Cleomenes.} |
3 | GRE ?? Chrysippus attends the lectures of Cleanthes.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:Acad_2'143; DiogLaert_7'179,* '182; Suda_K'1711. |
3a | ?? Cleanthes witnesses an ant's funeral during one of his lectures.
@ Aelian:NA_6'50. |
4 | ?? Sayings of Cleanthes, addressed to Sositheus and others.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:Fin_2'69; DiogLaert_7'171-174.* |
5 | ++ The frugal lifestyle of Cleanthes.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Phld:Sto_18-25; ValMax_8.7e'11; Sen:Ep_44'3; Plut:Mor_1034'A;(2) Fronto:Ep_2'p64; Aelian:Fr_1; DiogLaert_7'170.* |
6 | << The death of the Stoic philosopher Cleanthes.
* Read Diogenes's account @ Phld:Sto_26-29; Strab_13'610;(1.57) Lucian:Macr_19; ClemAl:Strom_1'14;(↓) Censor:DN_15'3 DiogLaert_7'176;* Suda_Ch'568; { CAH_7.1'506; OCD³.} |
7 | SAR The Romans suppress further rebellions in Sardinia and Corsica.
* Read Zonaras' account @ ~[Liv]:Per_20; +Zonar_8'18.* (p29) |
8 | SPA ?? Hamilcar defeats the Tartessians and their Celtic allies.
@ ~Diod_25.9'1-10'3. |
9 | EPI Agron, king of Illyria, sends a force which defeats the Aetolians near Medion.
@ ~Polyb_2.2'1-4'5; { CAH_7.1'506; Green_253.} |
10 | ILL The death of Agron, who is succeeded by Teuta.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_2.4'6-9;* Appian:Ill_7; Aelian:VH_2'41; DioCass_fr.49'2; ~Zonar_8'19;(p33) { CAH_7.1'506; Errington_p95.} |
11 | EGY {2 Phaophi -E = November} Document: BD_81, a tax receipt issued by Apollophanes. |
12 | CIS >> The Gaesatae join the league of Gauls against Rome.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_2.22'1-8;* Plut:Marc_3'1-2. |
13 | ROM >> Papirius dedicates a temple to Fons.
@ ~Cic:ND_3'52; { CAH_7.2'671.} |
14 | SPA >> Hamilcar justifies his conquests in Spain to a Roman embassy.
@ +DioCass_fr.48'1; { CAH_7.2'454; OCD³.} |
15 | ROM C.Duilius is appointed dictator, to hold the elections for new consuls.
@ +FastCap_p58. |
16 | >> Sp.Carvilius divorces his wife, which is the first divorce since the foundation of Rome.
* Read Gellius' account @ ValMax_2.1'4; ~Plut:Rom_35'4, :Num_25'13, :Mor_267'C; ~Gell_4.3'1-2,* ~17.21'44; { This is the commonly accepted date, but there is some disagreement in the manuscripts as to the exact year. Carvilius was consul in 234 B.C..} |
17 | == T.Manlius Torquatus is forced to resign as censor, because of a fault in the election procedure.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_23.34'15,* 25.5'3, 27.11'10; +FastCap_p58. |
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| 15.01.25
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