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1 | AEG ?? Document: THI_91 & Austin_133, two decrees of Delos in honour of citizens of Thessalonica. |
1a | MAC ?? Document: SEG_60.605, a letter of Demetrius concerning a citizen of Pythium who died without an heir. |
1b | MAC ?? Document: THI_202, a manumission document from Beroea, dated to the 27th year of Demetrius. |
2 | ?? A remark at a banquet about the young Philippus, son of Demetrius.
@ Plut:Mor_736'F.(Q9.1) |
3 | The death of Demetrius II, who leaves Antigonus as the guardian of his son Philippus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_2.44'2-5;* Diod_28.11'1; Plut:Aem_8'2-3; ~Just_28.3'9-10; Trog:Prol_28; ![Euseb]:Chron_237-239, 241; !Hieron:Chron_1784; ExcBarb_44A; ChronSynt_90;(↓) { CAH_7.1'453; Errington_p95-96.} |
3a | EGY {Phamenoth -E = April/May} Document: AET_9.1'J, a list of current and previous officials serving the sacred Apis bull. |
4 | EPI The Illyrians attack Epidamnus but fail to capture it.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_2.9'1-6;* ValMax_1.5e'2; { CAH_7.1'453; Green_254.} |
5 | The Illyrians capture Corcyra, after defeating an Achaean fleet near Paxos.
@ ~Polyb_2.9'7-10'7; { CAH_7.1'453; Errington_p95.} |
6 | PEL The Illyrians make a raid on Mothone.
@ Paus_4.35'6-7; { This incident is not dated by Pausanias, but is likely to belong to this early stage of Illyrian expansion.} |
7 | Cleomenes of Sparta seizes Belbina, on the border with Megalopolis.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Polyb_2.46'5; ~Plut:Cleom_3'6-4'5;* Paus_2.9'1; { ~CAH_7.1'456; Green_256.} |
8 | PON << Ziaelas, king of Bithynia, is killed by some Gallic mercenaries.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_2.58'c<q"* Phylarch_50>; Trog:Prol_27; { CAH_7.1'425; Green_699.} |
9 | ASI << Attalus defeats Antiochus Hierax in Phrygia.
@ OGIS_274; { The battles between Attalus and Hierax probably started in the north of Asia Minor and moved south - see Green_264, CAH_7.1'429.} |
10 | EPI Demetrius of Pharus betrays Corcyra to the Romans.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_2.11'1-6;* Strab_7.fr'8;(7.12) Appian:Ill_7; DioCass_fr.49'7; ~Zonar_8'19;(p37) { CAH_8'89; OCD³.} |
11 | MAC The Romans relieve Epidamnus.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_2.11'7-10;* Appian:Ill_7;(↓) DioCass_fr.49'6-7; ~Zonar_8'19.(p37) |
12 | ILL The Romans relieve Issa.
* Read Polybius' account @ Ennius:Ann_245-249; +Polyb_2.11'11-12;* Appian:Ill_7;(↓) ~Zonar_8'19;(p37) { CAH_8'89.} |
13 | The Romans capture several Illyrian towns and force Teuta to escape to Rhizon.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_2.11'13-17;* Flor_1.21'4; +Eutrop_3.4'1; +Oros_4.13'2; ~Zonar_8'19;(p39) { CAH_8'89; Errington_p97-98.} |
14 | Fulvius returns to Rome.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_2.11'17-12'1;* DioCass_fr.49'7; { CAH_8'89.} |
15 | MAC The Aetolians invade western Thessaly.
@ Paus_6.16'2; { CAH_7.1'453; Errington_p96.} |
16 | SPA ?? Hamilcar passes on to his sons his hatred of Rome.
* Read Zonaras' account @ Nepos_22.4'3, 23.3'1; ValMax_9.3e'2; Cassiod:Chr_524; Zonar_8'21.* (p55) |
17 | ++ Hamilcar's campaigns in Spain.
* Read Nepos' account @ Polyb_3.14'10; Nepos_22.4'1;* Strab_3'151;(2.14) Appian:Hisp_5, :Hann_2; Ampel_36'2. |
18 | ++ General comments on the military and political achievements of Hamilcar.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_23.22'1;* Appian:Hisp_8' |
19 | The death of Hamilcar, who is succeeded as Carthaginian commander in Spain by Hasdrubal.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Polyb_2.1'7-9, 3.10'7; Diod_25.10'3-12'1;* ~Nepos_22.4'2, 23.3'1; ~Liv_21.2'1-4, 24.41'3; Frontin:Str_2.4'17; Silius_1'142-146; Appian:Hisp_5-6; ~Just_44.5'4-5; !Oros_4.13'1; !Cassiod:Chr_524; !Zonar_8'19,(p31) '21;(p55) { CAH_8'23; OCD³.} |
20 | PEL == The Aeginetans and Arcadians join the Achaean League.
@ ~Plut:Arat_34'7; { CAH_7.1'456.} |
21 | == Aristomachus of Argos joins the Achaean League.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_2.44'6, ~60'4; Strab_8'377,(6.18) '385;(7.3) ~Plut:Arat_35'1-5;* Paus_2.8'6; { CAH_7.1'456; Errington_p96.} |
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| 14.10.24
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