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1 | EGY {26 Hathyr -E = 4 Daesius -M = January} Document: BD_32A, a letter to Athenodorus the dioecetes, concerning the registration of slave called Thasion. |
1a | PEL Philippus allows Nabis to take possession of Argos.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_18.17'1-5; +Liv_32.38'1-40'11,* 34.31'5-32'19; Just_30.4'5; ~Zonar_9'16;(p289) { CAH_8'268; Green_310.} |
2 | GRE Flamininus forces the Boeotians to enter into alliance with the Romans.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_18.17'6, 21.20'5; +Liv_33.1'1-2'6;* ~Plut:Flam_6'1-5, :Cam_19'11; +Zonar_9'16;(p291) { CAH_8'268.} |
2a | CRE Document: OGIS_270, a decree of Aptara in honour of Attalus. |
3 | ASI ?? Attalus destroys Gergitha in the Troad and resettles its inhabitants.
@ Strab_13'616.(1.70) |
4 | ?? An oracular response from Delphi predicts that Attalus' family will reign until the time of his grandchildren.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Diod_34.13'1; Paus_10.15'3.* |
5 | ?? Attalus appoints Ctesiphon of Athens to be a judge in Aeolis.
@ Athen_15.697'c-d<q" DemetrSc>. |
6 | ?? Lysimachus is the teacher and parasite of Attalus.
@ Athen_6.252'c. |
7 | ++ General comments on the achievements of Attalus, a loyal ally of the Romans.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_18.41'1-10,* 21.20'2-4. |
8 | GRE Attalus I dies at Thebes after suffering a stroke there.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_21.20'5, 32.8'3; +Liv_33.2'7-9;* Strab_13'624;(4.2) Suda_E'3579; { OCD³; Green_311.} |
9 | MAC The Romans advance into Thessaly.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_18.18'1-20'1; +Liv_33.3'1-6'7;* ~Plut:Flam_7'3; +Zonar_9'16;(p291) { CAH_8'268.} |
10 | SYR << Antiochus arranges the betrothal of his daughter Cleopatra to Ptolemy.
@ ~Porph:Fr_47; { In the seventh year of Ptolemy's reign.} |
10a | THR ?? Document: SEG_38.603, an alliance between Philippus and Lysimacheia. |
11 | ?? The Thracians sack Lysimacheia.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_33.38'11;* Appian:Syr_1' |
12 | AEG ?? Document: Austin_145,B a decree of Samos in honour of Diodorus, a public doctor. |
12a | GRE {Panemus -G = August/Sept.} Document: THI_24.J, the manumission of a slave-girl by an officer of king Attalus. |
13 | EPI L.Flamininus defeats the Acarnanians at Leucas.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_33.16'1-17'15;* ~Zonar_9'16.(p293) |
14 | CIS Cethegus defeats the Insubres and Cenomani near the river Mincius.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_32.29'5-31'6,* 33.22'4-8, 23'2, 34.53'3; +CIL_6.31630; +Zonar_9'16;(p291) { CAH_8'112.} |
15 | SPA The chieftains Culcha and Luxinius start a rebellion in Spain.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_33.21'6-9,* 34.10'5; Appian:Hisp_39; { CAH_8'122.} |
16 | EGY Ptolemy V captures the rebel stronghold at Lycopolis.
* Read Polybius' account @ +OGIS_90'21-28<t= AET_8.11>; BD_110'5; Polyb_22.17'1-2;* { See Walbank_p204.} |
17 | MAC Flamininus defeats Philippus at the battle of Cynoscephalae.
* Read Polybius' account @ AnthPal_7.247<q" Alcaeus>; Ennius:Ann_333-342; ~Polyb_18.20'2-27'7;* +Liv_33.6'8-10'10, 35.48'12-13; Strab_9'441;(5.20) ~Plut:Flam_7'4-9'4, 23'6; Paus_7.8'7; Just_30.4'5-16; [Euseb]:Chron_243; Oros_4.20'5-9; +Zonar_9'16;(p291) { CAH_8'268; OCD³.} |
18 | PEL The Achaeans defeats Philippus's general Androsthenes near Corinth.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_33.14'1-15'16;* ~Zonar_9'16.(p293) |
19 | ASI The Rhodians defeat Philippus's general Dinocrates near Alabanda.
@ +Liv_33.18'1-22. |
20 | CIL The Rhodians send an embassy to Antiochus, in an attempt to restrain his advance to the west.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_30.31'6; +Liv_33.18'22, 19'8-20'13;* Appian:Syr_1' |
20a | LYC ?? Document: SEG_64.1381, a treaty between Arycanda and Tragalassus in Lycia. |
21 | The inhabitants of Arycanda in Lycia give their support to Mithridates, the son of Antiochus.
@ Athen_12.528'a<q" Agatharch>; { Though Athenaeus does not state the identity of this Mithridates, the story probably dates to the period when Antiochus regained control of Lycia.} |
21a | Document: OGIS_746, recording the consecration of Xanthus by Antiochus. |
22 | MAC ++ General comments on the course of the Second Macedonian War, and the role of the various Greek states during the war.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_18.47'6, '13, 21.23'7, 38.3'3-4;* Sall:Hist_4.67'5-6; Liv_34.59'5, 35.10'8, 36.7'8-9, 42.37'8; Plut:Mor_324'C; Flor_1.23'2-3, 24'5; Paus_1.36'5, 7.8'9; Zonar_9'18.(p305) |
23 | Flamininus agrees peace terms with Philippus; the end of the Second Macedonian War.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_18.33'2-39'7;* +Liv_33.11'1-13'15, 19'1-7, 39.23'7; Strab_10'462;(2.25) Plut:Aem_8'4-5, ~:Flam_9'5-11, :Arat_54'4-5; Appian:Mac_9'1-3;(10) Paus_7.8'7-8; Ampel_16'3; DioCass_fr.60'1; Just_30.4'17-18; Eutrop_4.2'1; +Zonar_9'16;(p293) { CAH_8'268-269; Errington_p207.} |
24 | ASI Antiochus captures Ephesus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_18.40a'1;* Porph:Fr_46; Liban:Or_11'121;B Suda_E'3529; { CAH_8'271; Green_706.} |
25 | AEG Antiochus defeats Rhodes, Samos, Colophon and Phocaea in a naval battle.
@ Porph:Fr_47; { The details of this battle, if it ever happened, have been exaggerated.} |
25a | ?? Document: Syll_584, a decree of Delos in honour of Nabis of Lacedaemon. |
26 | EGY Scopas the Aetolian is put to death after being accused of treason by Aristomenes.
@ ~Polyb_18.53'1-55'2. |
27 | Polycrates of Argos returns after several years as governor of Cyprus, and organises the coming of age (anacleteria) of Ptolemy V.
* Read Suda's account @ ~Polyb_18.55'3-9; Suda_P'1978;* { See Holbl, p138-9.} |
27a | SYR Document: SEG_36.1280, a statue in honour of an agonothete from Seleuceia. |
28 | ROM Cethegus celebrates a triumph over the Gauls, but the senate refuses to grant an official triumph to Minucius.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_33.22'1-23'9;* +FastTr_p102; { CAH_8'112, '115.} |
29 | SPA == C.Tuditanus is defeated and killed in Spain.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_33.25'9;* ValMax_3.7'1; Oros_4.20'10; { CAH_8'122.} |
30 | ROM == Accius incorrectly states that Livius Andronicus was still alive and producing plays in this year.
@ +Cic:Brut_73. |
31 | {March -R} The consuls enter office and the Romans ratify the peace with Philippus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_18.42'1-8;* +Liv_33.24'5-7, 25'4-27'4; Appian:Mac_9'3;(12) { CAH_8'269.} |
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Attalus' home page
| 16.10.24
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