
196 B.C. Olympiad 146.1

Consuls: L. Furius Sp.f. Purpureo, M. Claudius M.f. Marcellus
Athenian archon: Tychander
Achaean General: Aristaenus (II)
Olympic victor in the stadion race: Micion of Boeotia

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1 ASI << Lampsacus and Smyrna appeal to Rome against Antiochus.
* Read Livy's account
Diod_29.7'1; +Liv_33.38'11-7; Appian:Syr_1, 2; { CAH_8'271; Green_706.}
2 GRE The Romans force the Boeotians to agree to peace terms after the assassination of the Macedonian sympathizer Brachylles.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_18.43'1-13, 20.7'3, 22.4'7; +Liv_33.27'5-29'12, 35.47'3, 36.6'1.
3 EGY {4 Xandicus -M = 18 Mecheir -E = 27 March} Document: AET_8.11-12 (OGIS_90), the "Rosetta Stone", a trilingual decree in honour of Ptolemy V. { Green_706.}
4 ?? Document: SelPap_2.205, ordinances about the sale of slaves.
5 MAC Ten Roman commissioners revise the peace terms with Philippus.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_18.44'1-45'12; +Liv_33.30'1-31'11, 49'8, 39.28'2, 42.25'4, 30'10; Plut:Flam_10'1-3, :Mor_855'A;(1)  Appian:Mac_9'3;(12)  Zonar_9'16;(p295)  { CAH_8'270.}
6 PEL Flamininus proclaims the independence of the Greek states at the Isthmian Games.
* Read Plutarch's account
~Polyb_18.46'1-15; +Liv_33.32'1-33'8; ValMax_4.8'5; Plut:Phil_15'2, :Flam_10'3-12'1, :Mor_197'B; Flor_1.23'13-15; Appian:Mac_9'4;(13)  [Euseb]:Chron_241;(↓)  +Hieron:Chron_1821; { CAH_8'273; OCD³.}
7 MAC The Roman commissioners monitor the carrying out of the peace settlement.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_18.47'1-48'10, 22.10'6; +Liv_33.34'1-35'12; Plut:Flam_12'2-4; { CAH_8'529.}
8 ETR The praetor M'.Glabrio suppresses a conspiracy of slaves in Etruria.
+Liv_33.36'1-3; { CAH_8'236.}
9 CIS The consuls defeat the Insubres and Boii in separate battles.
* Read Livy's account
+Liv_33.36'4-37'12, 35.41'8; +Oros_4.20'11; Zonar_9'16;(p295)  { CAH_8'112.}
10 THR Antiochus restores Lysimacheia.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_18.49'2-52'5; Diod_28.12'1; +Liv_33.38'8-41'4; Appian:Syr_1-4, 38; !Oros_4.20'12; Zonar_9'18;(p305)  { CAH_8'271; Green_304.}
11 MAC The Thessalians adopt new laws, and start electing annual magistrates; the first to hold office is Pausanias of Pherae.
Syll_674'51-52<t=B  Sherk_38>; ~[Euseb]:Chron_243,(↓)  247; { CAH_8'274.}
12 LYC The fleet of Antiochus is wrecked in a storm while attempting to cross to Cyprus.
* Read Livy's account
+Liv_33.41'5-9; Appian:Syr_4; Zonar_9'18.(p305) 
13 AFR == Hannibal as sufete reforms the Carthaginian government and finances.
* Read Livy's account
Nepos_23.7'4-5; ~Liv_33.46'1-47'2; DioCass_fr.57'86; [Vict]:VirIll_37'2-3; Zonar_9'14;(p275)  { CAH_8'143; CAH_h.}
14 GRE Document: Sherk_6,B  inscriptions put up by various Greek cities in honour of Flamininus.
BD_35; Syll_616.
14a AEG << Document: Syll_586, dedications in Carpathos and Lindus by Nicagoras, a Rhodian general.
14b ?? Document: Syll_587, a decree of Peparethus in honour of Philoxenus of Athens.
14c ?? Document: THI_156, regulations for the cult of Aphrodite on Cos.
14d ASI << Document: CGRN_193, recording the sale of priesthoods at Hyllarima in Caria.
15 ROM ++ M.Cornelius Cethegus is praised by Ennius for his eloquence.
Cic:Brut_57-60; { For the date of Cethegus' death, see Liv_33.42'5.}
16 == A new college of priests, the tresviri epulones, are appointed for the first time.
17 == The quaestors force the priests and augurs to make a contribution towards the payment of war expenses.
18 {4 March -R} The triumph of Marcellus, over the Insubres.
* Read Livy's account
~Liv_33.37'9-12; #FastTr_p102.
19 {March -R} Blasio celebrates an ovation, over the Celtiberi.
20 {March -R} The consuls enter office and receive a report from the ten commisioners on the activities of Antiochus.
* Read Livy's account
+Liv_33.43'1-45'8, 47'3-6; Just_31.1'5-7.

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