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1 | EPI Cephalus is forced by the accusations of Charops to openly support Perseus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_27.15'1-16;* Diod_30.5'1; { Walbank_p313.} |
2 | Hostilius escapes a plot to capture him at Phanote.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_27.16'1-6;* Diod_30.5a'1; { CAH_8'315.} |
3 | GRE << Atrocities committed by Crassus and Lucretius against the Greek states.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_43.6'2-3,* 7'1, '8-10; [Liv]:Per_43; ~Zonar_9'22;(p335) { CAH_8'311.} |
4 | MAC Hostilius attempts to invade Macedonia by a mountain route.
@ Liv_44.2'6. |
5 | Perseus captures more towns in Thessaly.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_29.19'7;* +Liv_43.11'9, 45.3'7; Vell_1.9'1; { CAH_8'533; Green_709.} |
5a | EGY {21 Pachon -E = June} Document: AET_7.4, the report of a trial at Siut. |
5b | MAC << Document: SEG_31.575, a decree of Larissa, honouring two associates of king Eumenes. |
6 | CIL << The cities of Tarsus and Mallus rebel against Antiochus.
@ ~2Macc_4'30-31. |
6b | << Antiochus suppresses bandits in Mount Taurus, who have been ravaging Cilicia.
@ Liban:Or_11'122-123.B |
7 | SYR << Menelaus persuades the regent Andronicus to murder Onias at Daphne.
* Read 2Maccabees' account @ (?) Daniel_11'22; ~2Macc_4'32-38;* { Green_512.} |
8 | PER ?? The Parthian king Phraates defeats the Mardi, and settles them at Charax in Media.
* Read Justin's account @ IsidChar_2'7; Just_41.5'9.* |
9 | << The accession of Mithridates I of Parthia.
@ ~Just_41.5'9-6'1; Movses_2'2; { Green_353; OCD³.} |
10 | EXT << The accession of Eucratides I of Bactria.
@ ~Just_41.6'1; { CAH_8'401; Green_439.} |
11 | ROM {9 Oct. -R = ?July} Document: BD_40 (Syll_646), a decree of the senate transmitted by the praetor Q.Maenius, concerning Thisbae in Boeotia. |
12 | SYR {month5 -B = July/Aug.} Antiochus puts to death the "son of Seleucus".
* Read Diodorus' account @ #BabylChron_BM.35603'R12-13; Diod_30.7'1;* { CAH_8'533; Green_438.} |
13 | THR Hortensius sacks Abdera.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_30.6'1; +Liv_43.4'8-10;* { CAH_8'311.} |
14 | CRE << The people of Gortyn attack Cydonia.
@ Polyb_28.15'1; { Walbank_p349.} |
15 | SPA Olonicus leads a rebellion in Spain.
@ [Liv]:Per_43; { CAH_8'533.} |
16 | MAC Hostilius fails to make any progress in the war against Perseus.
@ Plut:Aem_9'3-4. |
17 | ROM The Roman senate restores the freedom of Abdera.
@ (?) THI_213'37; +Liv_43.4'1-13; { CAH_8'311.} |
18 | Embassies appear before the senate, from Carthage and Masinissa, from Alpine states complaining about C.Cassius, from Chalcis complaining about C.Lucretius, and from many other Greek states.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_30.8'1; +Liv_43.5'1-8'10;* { CAH_8'182, '312.} |
19 | MAC Ap.Claudius unsuccessfully attacks Uscana.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_43.9'1-10'8,* 21'4. |
19a | EXT ?? Document: OGIS_107, a dedication on behalf of Ptolemy VI at Parembole in Nubia. |
20 | EGY {? Thoth -E = October} Ptolemy VIII becomes joint ruler with his brother.
@ SelPap_1.37'17, 101'15; Polyb_29.23'4; Eupolem_4; ~[Euseb]:Chron_161,(↓) 163; PTeb_5'4, 6'50, 9'15; AET_8.13'G. Malal_197; { OCD³; Bennett.} |
21 | ROM {26 January -R = ?October} Elections for new consuls.
@ #Liv_43.11'1-6; { CAH_8'312.} |
22 | {28 January -R = ?October} Elections for new praetors.
@ #Liv_43.11'7-8. |
23 | {February -R = ?November} Roman envoys report back to the senate on the conduct of the war in Macedonia.
@ +Liv_43.11'9-12. |
24 | {25 February -R = ?November} The beginning of an intercalary month at Rome.
@ #Liv_43.11'13. |
25 | EGY {9 Xandicus -M = 9 Phaophi -E = November} Document: BD_94, the lease of a vineyard to Apollonius. |
26 | GRE The Roman envoys Popillius and Octavius visit allied Greek cities.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.3'1-5'6;* ~Liv_43.17'1-10; { CAH_8'313; DPRR.} |
27 | MOE Perseus attacks the Dardani, and captures (?) Chalestrum.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_30.4'1;* Liv_43.18'2, 19'4; [Liv]:Per_43; Plut:Aem_9'5; { Walbank_p336.} |
28 | SYR Antiochus learns of Egyptian plans for a war against him.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Polyb_27.19'1-2; Diod_30.2'1;* Porph:Fr_49a; Malal_205-206; { Green_709.} |
29 | ROM ++ The character of P.Scipio, the son of Africanus, who had poor health and died young.
* Read Cicero's account @ CIL_1.10; Cic:Sen_35;* { Little is known about the life of this Scipio, because his ill health prevented from taking part in politics.} |
30 | Embassies from Antiochus and Ptolemy arrive at Rome.
@ ~Polyb_28.1'1-9; { Walbank_p321-324.} |
31 | == The birth of the poet Accius.
@ ~Cic:Brut_229; { OCD³; Green_709.} |
32 | ROM << Document: Sherk_20,B a decree of the senate about the city of Coronea. |
33 | PEL Document: Sherk_22,B a decree of Argos in honour of Cn.Octavius. |
34 | PEL The Achaean league restores the honours given to Eumenes.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_27.18'1-3,* 28.6'1-7'15; { Walbank_p318.} |
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| 15.01.25
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