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1 | ROM The senate confirms its support for Ptolemy VIII.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_31.20'1-6;* Diod_31.23'1; Zonar_9'25;(p361) { Green_443.} |
2 | ROM {4 April -R} Document: Ter:Eun_, "Eunuchus" by Terentius.
* Read Suetonius' account @ [Suet]:Ter_2;* #Hyp:Ter_Eun; { OCD³.} |
3 | MES << Antiochus restores the town of Charax.
@ Plin:HN_6'139. |
3a | << Document: BabylChron_15, recording the theft of some gold from a temple. |
4 | SYR << Demetrius captures and kills Antiochus V and Lysias.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ Eupolem_4; ~1Macc_7'2-4;* 2Macc_14'2; Joseph:AJ_12'390; Appian:Syr_47; Just_34.3'9; +[Euseb]:Chron_253-255;(↓) +Hieron:Chron_1855; Sulpit_2'23; Malal_207; ExcBarb_46A; Zonar_9'25;(p363) { CAH_8'356; OCD³.} |
5 | Commagene becomes independent, under the leadership of Ptolemaeus.
@ Diod_31.19a'1; { OCD³.} |
6 | ROM {13 Sept. -R} Document: Ter:Phorm_, "Phormio" by Terentius.
@ #Hyp:Ter_Phorm; { OCD³.} |
7 | PAL Bacchides installs Alcimus as high priest by force.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_7'5-25;* +2Macc_14'3-10; Joseph:AJ_12'391-397; August:DeCiv_18'45.(↓) |
8 | Nicanor enters Judaea with a large Syrian force and is defeated by Judas in a minor engagement near Capharsalama.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_7'26-32;* 2Macc_14'11-19; Joseph:AJ_12'398-405; { Nicanor probably stayed in Judaea for several months before he was killed early in 160 B.C.} |
9 | Nicanor agrees peace terms with Judas, but makes threats against the temple at Jerusalem.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ ~1Macc_7'33-38;* 2Macc_14'20-36; Joseph:AJ_12'406-407. |
10 | EGY {8 Phaophi -E = November} Document: BD_115, a petition to the strategus Dionysius from Ptolemaeus son of Glaucias. |
11 | ROM >> Cato criticizes Roman extravagance.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_31.25'5,* '5a; Diod_31.24'1, 37.3'6; { This may have been part of a speech supporting the Lex Fannia; see Walbank_p501.} |
12 | >> The Lex Fannia, a law to curb private expenditure, is passed.
* Read Gellius' account @ Lucil_1241; +Plin:HN_10'139;L +Gell_2.24'2-6,* 20.1'23; Athen_6.274'c; Macrob:Sat_3.13'13,L ~17'3-6,L '8;L { CAH_8'184; OCD³.} |
13 | >> The senate instructs the praetor M.Pomponius to expel philosophers and rhetoricians from Rome.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ +Gell_15.11'1; Athen_13.610'f;* { CAH_8'461; DPRR.} |
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| 21.10.24
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