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1 | EGY {13 Tybi -E = February} Document: PTeb_40, a petition from Pnepheros to Amenneus. |
2 | ROM Adherbal complains to the senate about Jugurtha's aggression; Jugurtha's envoys allegedly bribe senators to win support.
@ Sall:Jug_13'4-15'5, 28'1; ~[Liv]:Per_62; Flor_1.36'4-5. |
3 | EGY {8 Pharmuthi -E = May} Document: PTeb_30'10-21, a letter from Ptolemaeus and Hestiaeus to Apollonius. |
3a | GRE ?? Document: Syll_704.E, a decree of Delphi in honour of the Dionysiac artists of Athens. |
3b | << Document: Syll_826, recording decisions of the Amphictyons concerning a scandal at Delphi. |
3c | MAC ?? Document: IG_9.2.1107b, a decree in honour of a priest of Sarapis at Demetrias. |
4 | EXT ?? The first voyage of Eudoxus, sailing from Egypt to India.
@ Strab_2'98-99,(3.4) '100-101.(3.5) |
5 | EGY ?? The parasite Hierax of Antioch is put to death by Ptolemy.
@ Athen_6.252'e. |
6 | ?? Document: Burstein_108B (OGIS_137-139), a petition of the priests of Isis at Philae. |
7 | {8 Payni -E = June} Document: PTeb_100, receipts for tax paid by Epigenes. |
7a | ?? Document: Potter_, "The Potter's Oracle", in which a native Egyptian describes a friendly ruler (? Ptolemy VIII). |
7b | ?? Document: AET_8.19, the inscription on an obelisk in honour of Ptolemy VIII. |
8 | {11 Payni -E = 28 June} The death of Ptolemy VIII and accession of Ptolemy IX.
* Read Justin's account @ SelPap_1.27'1; AET_8.13'G. +AstrCan_3; Strab_17'795;(1.11) ClemAl:Strom_1'21; Just_39.3'1;* ~[Euseb]:Chron_163, 171; ChronPasc_441'C; !Hieron:Chron_1902; ExcBarb_36A; ChronSynt_91; { CAH_9'314; OCD³; Bennett.} |
9 | NUM A Roman commision led by Opimius partitions Numidia between the kings.
@ Lucil_450; Sall:Jug_16'1-5; Plut:CGrac_18'1; Flor_1.36'5; { CAH_9'29; Green_718.} |
10 | ROM C.Marius is elected praetor; he is subsequently accused of bribery, but acquitted.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_6.9'14; Plut:Mar_5'3-10;* { CAH_9'515; DPRR.} |
11 | Scaurus unsuccessfully prosecutes P.Rutilius after the consular elections.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DeOr_2'280, ~:Brut_113;* Tac:Ann_3'66; { OCD³.} |
11a | EGY {Phaophi -E = October} Document: AET_6.3'B, a demotic marriage contract. |
11b | CRE {Pyanopsion -G = Oct./Nov.} Document: Syll_712.B-C, recording the delay of arbitration by Cnossus in a dispute between Lato and Olous. |
12 | EGY Cleopatra is forced to accept her elder son as king of Egypt.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Paus_1.9'1;* ~Just_39.3'2; { CAH_9'315.} |
13 | AS1 Rome removes Phrygia Major from the control of Mithridates.
* Read Justin's account @ ~OGIS_436<t=B Sherk_49>; Just_38.5'3;* { CAH_9'133=or:119.} |
14 | AS1 == Document: Sherk_49B (OGIS_436), a copy of a senatorial decree about Phrygia Major. |
15 | ROM == The birth of the writer M.Varro.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ +Hieron:Chron_1901,* 1935; { OCD³; Green_718.} |
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