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1 | ROM The people assign the command in Numidia to Marius, who begins his preparations.
@ +Sall:Jug_84'1-86'3; CIL_6.41024; Vell_2.11'2; ValMax_2.3'1; +Plut:Mar_9'1-4; Flor_1.36'13; Gell_16.10'14, '16; Exsuper_7-13; { CAH_9'30; OCD_m.} |
2 | GAL The Tigurini defeat and kill L.Cassius; the remnants of the Roman army are allowed to escape after surrendering their possessions.
* Read Caesar's account @ [Cic]:RhetHer_1'25; +Caes:BGall_1.7'4, 12'5-7,* 14'1-2; +[Liv]:Per_65; Appian:Gall_1'8;(20b) +Oros_5.15'23-24; { CAH_9'24, '93.} |
3 | NUM ++ General remarks on Metellus' successes in the war against Jugurtha.
@ ValMax_2.7'2. |
4 | Marius arrives in Numidia, and captures Capsa.
@ +Sall:Jug_86'4-91'7; Strab_17'831;(3.12) +Plut:Mar_10'1; Flor_1.36'13-14; +Oros_5.15'8; { CAH_9'784.} |
5 | EGY {Sept./Oct.} Cleopatra forces Ptolemy Lathyrus to escape to Cyprus, and Ptolemy Alexander takes over as king.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Joseph:AJ_13'328; Paus_1.9'1-2;* ~[Euseb]:Chron_163,(↓) 165, 171; !Hieron:Chron_1919; ChronSynt_91; { CAH_9'315; Bennett.} |
6 | ROM {28 October -R} The triumph of Q.Caepio, from further Spain.
@ #FastTr_p107; { CAH_9'784; OCD_c.} |
7 | PAL << {25 Heshvan -J = November} Hyrcanus destroys Samaria.
* Read Josephus' account @ MegTaan_3'2, #8'2; Joseph:BJ_1'65-66,* ~:AJ_13'280-283; !Hieron:Chron_1898. |
8 | EGY {28 Phaophi -E = November} Document: SelPap_1.27, a contract for the sale, by Taous and others, of land at Crocodilopolis. |
9 | CHE ?? Document: BD_48 (Syll_709), a decree of Chersonesus in honour of Diophantus, the general of Mithridates. |
10 | PON << The occupation of Paphlagonia by Mithridates and Nicomedes - regarded by some as the start of the Mithridatic Wars.
* Read Justin's account @ Flor_1.40'2; ~Appian:Mith_62, 112, 118; ~Just_37.1'7, 4'3;* Festus:Brev_11'3; Eutrop_6.12'3; August:DeCiv_5'22;(↓) ~Oros_6.1'30; =hog { CAH_9'141; Green_719=103.} |
11 | ROM The tribune C.Coelius charges C.Popillius with treason for his part in Cassius' defeat, and passes a law to extend the secret ballot to such cases.
* Read Anon's account @ [Cic]:RhetHer_1'25,* 4'34; Cic:Leg_3'36;L ~Oros_5.15'24; { CAH_9'45; OCD_c.} |
12 | == Granius invites the tribune L.Crassus to a banquet.
* Read Cicero's account @ Lucil_595-614; ~Cic:Brut_160-161;* { In the year before Caepio's law about juries.} |
13 | == Omens, including the appearance of a "fire-bird" and an eagle-owl.
@ +Plin:HN_10'36;L !Obseq_40. |
14 | ++ The dissolute lifestyle of L.Sulla, as a young man.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_6.9'6; Plut:Sull_1'2-7,* 2'3, '6-8, :Mor_318'C. |
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| 24.04.24
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