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1 | ALP << Pompeius crosses the Alps.
* Read Sallust's account @ Sall:Hist_2.82'4;* Lucan_8'808; ~Appian:BCiv_1'109. |
2 | SPA Perperna's soldiers insist on joining together with Sertorius' army.
@ ~Plut:Sert_15'3-5. |
3 | ROM C.Antonius is accused by Caesar of extortion in the province of Achaea, but escapes punishment by appealing to the tribunes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ QCic:Pet_8;(2) Ascon_84;L ~Plut:Caes_4'2-4;* { CAH_9'210.} |
4 | SPA Sertorius attacks the Berones.
@ ~Liv_fr'18.L |
5 | NAR Pompeius suppresses unrest in Gaul during his march to Spain.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:LegMan_28,* 30; Caes:BCiv_1.35'4; Sall:Hist_2'22;L { CAH_9'217.} |
5a | EGY {20 Pharmouthi -E = April} Document: AET_4.12, the epitaph of Pedubast, high priest of Memphis. |
6 | SPA Sertorius persuades his Spanish allies not to risk a pitched battle by showing them two ways of plucking horses' tails.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_7.3'6; Frontin:Str_1.10'1-2, 4.7'6; ~Plut:Sert_16'1-11;* Plinius:Ep_3.9'11. |
7 | Saguntum and other cities welcome Pompeius on his arrival in Spain.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_2'26;L ~Plut:Pomp_18'1-3;* { CAH_9'217.} |
8 | Sertorius forces the Characitani to surrender by filling their caves with dust.
@ ~Plut:Sert_17'1-13. |
9 | CIL << Servilius subdues Cilicia, and captures the cities of Attalis, Corycus, Olympus, and Phaselis.
* Read Eutropius' account @ Cic:Verr_2.1'56-57, 4'21, :LegAgr_1'5, 2'50; Sall:Hist_1'117-119,L 2'63-64;L Strab_14'671;(5.7) Flor_1.41'5; Eutrop_6.3'1;* Oros_5.23'22; Schol:Bob_347;L { DPRR; McGushin_1'182.} |
10 | MAC Appius Claudius falls ill and dies while fighting in Macedonia.
* Read Eutropius' account @ Eutrop_6.2'1;* ~Oros_5.23'19; { OCD³.} |
11 | SPA Sertorius ambushes and destroys a legion from Pompeius' army, along with its leader D.Laelius.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Sall:Hist_2'28-30;L Frontin:Str_2.5'31;* ~Appian:BCiv_1'109; Obseq_58; Schol:Bob_98;L { McGushin_1'200-201.} |
12 | Metellus defeats L.Hirtuleius at Italica.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Frontin:Str_2.1'2;* ~Oros_5.23'10; { CAH_9'218.} |
13 | Sertorius outmanoeuvres Pompeius and captures Lauro.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Sert_18'2-11,* ~:Pomp_18'4; Flor_2.10'7; ~Appian:BCiv_1'109; ~Oros_5.23'6-9; { CAH_9'218.} |
14 | ROM Elections at Rome: Cicero, Cotta, and Hortensius are elected to various offices.
@ ~Cic:Brut_318. |
15 | ARM << Tigranes founds the city of Tigranocerta; many of the inhabitants are forcibly transported from Cappadocia.
* Read Appian's account @ Strab_11'532,(14.15) 12'539;(2.9) Appian:Mith_67;* Quadratus_18; { After Tigranes' invasion of Cappadocia.} |
15a | SYR ?? Tigranes settles Arabs in the region of Commagene and Cilicia.
@ Plin:HN_6'142. |
16 | PAL ?? Antipater, the father of Herodes, is seized by Idumaean bandits while still a young boy.
@ Euseb:HistEc_1.6'3, 7'11. |
17 | ?? Antipas, the grandfather of Herodes, is appointed by Alexander Jannaeus to be governor of Idumaea.
@ Joseph:AJ_14'10. |
18 | ?? Alexander Jannaeus builds a fortress at Machaerus.
@ Joseph:BJ_7'171. |
19 | The death of Alexander Jannaeus; his widow Alexandra takes over as queen of Judaea.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'106-107, '119, :AJ_13'398-404,* '430, 20'242; ~[Euseb]:Chron_129; ChronPasc_452'B, 464'C, 509'C; +Hieron:Chron_1941; Sulpit_2'26; August:DeCiv_18'45;(↓↓) ExcBarb_47B; { CAH_9'291; OCD³.} |
20 | Alexandra appoints her elder son Hyrcanus to be high priest.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'109,* ~:AJ_13'405-409, 15'179, 20'242. |
21 | AEG == Document: Sherk_27c,B recording the admission into the mysteries at Samothrace of Q.Minucius, P.Magulnius and others. |
22 | ROM == The tribune Sicinius jokes about the wild gesticulations of the consul Curio, while the other consul, Octavius, suffers from a debilitating illness.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Brut_216-217;* Sall:Hist_2'23;L ValMax_9.14'5; Quint_11.3'129. |
23 | == Curio stops Sicinius from introducing political reforms.
* Read Sallust's account @ Sall:Hist_3.34'8,* '10; { CAH_9'211; OCD³.} |
24 | == The close friendship of M.Cato and his brother Caepio.
@ ~Plut:CatMin_3'8-10, :Mor_487'C. |
25 | == The birth of the writer C.Asinius Pollio.
@ ~Hieron:Chron_2020; { OCD³.} |
26 | ?? Document: Cic:QRosc_, Cicero's speech in defence of Q.Roscius Comoedus. { The date of this speech is very uncertain; it may have been ten years later.} |
27 | ETR == Omens, including an earthquake at Reate; the proconsul Silanus and his entourage see a "spark" falling off a star, which lights up the night sky.
@ +Plin:HN_2'100; +Obseq_59. |
28 | ITA == Staienus accepts a bribe to fix the decision in a court case at Atella concerning the estate of Safinius.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Clu_68,* 99; { Two years before the prosecution of Oppianicus.} |
29 | SIC == During Sex.Peducaeus' first year as governor of Sicily, there is a plentiful supply of cheap corn.
@ ~Cic:Verr_2.3'216; { DPRR.} |
30 | A local census is conducted in Sicily.
@ Cic:Verr_2.2'139; { DPRR.} |
31 | SPA == Metellus receives pay and provisions from Gaul.
@ Sall:Hist_2.82'9; { In the year before Pompeius' letter to the senate.} |
31a | EGY == Psherenptah is appointed high priest of Memphis, and presides at the formal coronation of Ptolemy XII.
@ AET_4.13; { Hölbl_p223; Bennett.} |
31b | ASI Document: THI_204, a decree of Mylasa mentioning M. Silanus as its patron. |
32 | ?? Rutilius carefully obeys the regulations of the Lex Fannia, by keeping to a frugal lifestyle.
@ Athen_6.274'c-d; { Rutilius is last mentioned in 78 B.C., when he must have been quite old.} |
33 | CYR ?? Aretaphila frees Cyrene from the tyrants Nicocrates and Laander.
* Read Polyaenus' account @ Plut:Mor_255'E-257'E; Polyaen_8.38'1;* { This tale is dated to the time of Mithridates, before Cyrene became a Roman province.} |
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| 15.01.25
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