Cornutus - in ancient sources @ attalus.org
This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.
(C. Julius Cornutus Tertullus) - a friend of Pliny the Younger
→ Wikipedia entry
agreed on the motion of Cornutus that the case should be
with one another. Cornutus Tertullus proposed that he sho
iendship of Secundus and Cornutus." When I think of those
which have been entrusted to Cornutus. I hope that your
il, Aeneid, v. 320. [21] & To Cornutus. I am obedient to
See letter ix. 13 [31] & To Cornutus. Claudius Pollio
opposed by Avidius Quietus and Cornutus Tertullus. Quietus
Cornutus 2
(Q. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus) - consular tribune, 402 B.C.
→ Wikipedia entry
picius Ser.f. Ser.n. Camerinus Cornutus Q. Servilius Q.f.
Ser.n. Camerinus Cornutus II [397] & military tribunes
Cornutus 3
(M. Caecilius Cornutus) - Roman senator, who escaped death in 87 B.C.
→ DPRR record
Cornutus is hidden by his slaves, and so escapes death.
Cornutus 4
(M. Caecilius Cornutus) - Roman praetor, 43 B.C.
→ Wikipedia entry
in their absence Marcus Cornutus, the urban praetor shall
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