Colline - in ancient sources @ attalus.org
This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.
Gate - a gate in the city wall of Rome, where Sulla defeated the Samnites
→ Wikipedia entry
mnite army, but is defeated and killed by Sulla at the Colline Gate.
ames to celebrate the anniversary of the battle at the Colline Gate.
  Within translations:
(early 1st cent.) icated outside the Colline Gate in 181 B.C.] H B
(1st cent. A.D.) Venus Erycina outside the Colline Gate. * * * [DE
gardens of Caesar near the Colline Gate was struck from the
city of Rome and the Colline Gate, and joined battle with
and Telesinus at the Colline Gate. After Marius was
Colline 2
tribe - one of the tribes of the city of Rome
son of Numerius, of the Colline tribe, a clerk; Vol
son of Sextus, of the Colline tribe, for himself
grandson of Quintus, of the Colline tribe, is pl
the son of Lucius of the Colline tribe, and Papirius of
son of Lucius, of the Colline tribe, Aulus Furius Terti
son of Marcus, of the Colline tribe Aristeas son of
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