Cilicia   - in ancient sources @

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  Cilicia   - a region on the south-east coast of Anatolia
Wikipedia entry
  + Cilician , Cilicians , Cilicum
318/33 Antigonus sends a force through Cilicia to attack Eumenes.
310/19 Demetrius defeats the generals of Ptolemy in Cilicia.
298/4 Demetrius seizes control of Cilicia.
260/3a lemaic governor, founds the city of Arsinoe on the coast of Cilicia.
204/12b RC_30, part of a letter of Ptolemy concerning Soli in Cilicia.
170/6b suppresses bandits in Mount Taurus, who have been ravaging Cilicia.
102/8 alks to eminent scholars at Athens, before travelling on to Cilicia.
95/7 Sulla, the propraetor of Cilicia, installs Ariobarzanes as king of
80/33 proquaestor to Dolabella in Cilicia, and loots various allied states
78/30 Scaurus after returning from Cilicia, and is convicted of extortion.
76/9 Servilius subdues Cilicia, and captures the cities of Attalis, Corycu
76/15a Tigranes settles Arabs in the region of Commagene and Cilicia.
75/28 neral comments on Servilius' campaigns against the Cilician pirates.
75/42 Servilius celebrates a triumph for his conquest of Cilicia.
74/15 The death of Octavius, the new Roman commander in Cilicia.
67/10 Pompeius proceeds to Cilicia, via Athens and Rhodes, where he listens
67/14 escaped to their bases in Cilicia, and captures over 800 of their
58/13 uls the provinces of Macedonia and Cilicia (later changed to Syria).
53/5 M.Brutus goes to Cilicia, after declining an invitation to serve
51/29 Cicero arrives in the province of Cilicia, at Laodiceia.
51/35 M.Brutus remain for some time in Cilicia, but fail to meet Cicero.
51/57 rates a triumph, for victories won while he was governor of Cilicia.
51/59 icero captures the stronghold of the Cilician rebels at Pindenissum.
50/11 rosecuted by Dolabella for his conduct in Cilicia, but is acquitted.
50/13 for Cicero's victories in Cilicia, despite the opposition of M.Cat
50/30 General comments on Cicero's conduct as governor of Cilicia.
44/135 persuades the inhabitants of Cilicia, including Tarsus, to support
39/5 Labienus out of Asia Minor, and defeats him near the Cilician Gates.
36/3 ibutes the territory of the kings in Cappadocia, Pontus and Cilicia.
    Within translations:
1Macc_11   lexander the king was in Cilicia at that time, because the
2Macc_4   urned from the region of Cilicia, the Jews in the city app
4Macc_4   Syria, Phoenicia, and Cilicia, and said [2Maccabees,
Aelian:NA_1.6   se. And at Soli in Cilicia a dog loved a boy of the name
Aelian:NA_12.29   inds; these also are rivers of Cilicia. And it must be the
AntipSid_7.246   the wild waves of the Cilician sea we lie, the many myr
AntipThes_9.557   { G-P 79 } & Tarsus, Cilician city, the runner Aries,
Arrian:Fr_1   was given to Laomedon; Cilicia to Philotas; Media to Pit
Arrian:Fr_9   Laomedon the Mytilenean; Cilicia to Philoxenus, who had
Arrian:Fr_10   arrived with his army in Cilicia with this intention, beca
Athen_4.147   the Roman general, in Cilicia, speaks in the following
Athen_5.194   and then three thousand Cilicians, armed in the fashion
Athen_5.213   as far as Pamphylia and Cilicia: and the kings of the Arm
Athen_13.595   all those who died in Cilicia, in defence of your domin
Athen_15.688   highest perfection at  Soli in Cilicia and at Rhodes The essence
Athen_15.689   is procured in Aegina and Cilicia. Some, again, are made of
ChronPasc_436   Syria, Phoenicia, and Cilicia, and promised to provide
Cic:Brut_1   [1] & When I had left Cilicia, and arrived at Rhodes,
Cic:Brut_168   commanded under him in Cilicia, where he lost his life:
Cic:Brut_273   for I was then abroad in Cilicia) he likewise lost himself
Cic:Deiot_28   served in my army in Cilicia ** and was my fellow-soldier
Cic:Deiot_37   wars in Asia, Cappadocia, Pontus, Cilicia, Syria; and as for the
Cic:DeOr_1.82   was going as proconsul into Cilicia, and had arrived at Athens,
Cic:DeOr_2.2   (who went with Antonius into Cilicia, and left it at the
Cic:DivCaec_6   in Achaia and Asia and Cilicia and Pamphylia, and even in
Cic:Dom_23   one that you first assigned Cilicia; then you altered your bargain,
Cic:Fam_12.12   and his forces have arrived in Cilicia. Cilicia will be
Cic:Flac_5   committed in Spain, Gaul, Cilicia, Crete, provinces in which
Cic:Flac_6   military under Publius Servilius in Cilicia. No mention is made of
Cic:Flac_30   secondly, that Syria is ours, Cilicia is held fast, Cyprus dares
Cic:Flac_100   next the provinces of Gaul, Cilicia, Spain, and Crete. Moreover, the
Cic:HarResp_42   the lusts even of Cilicians and barbarians. Then, after   coast of the Lycians and Cilicians will be knocked down, Mysia
Cic:LegMan_35   starting from Brundisium, added all Cilicia to the Roman Empire. All
Cic:LegMan_64   to be engaged in Asia, Cilicia, and Syria and the kingdoms
Cic:Phil_2.26   have finished this business in Cilicia at the mouth of the
Cic:Phil_2.26   lished this same deed in Cilicia, at the mouth of the rive
Cic:Sest_55   instead of his proper province Cilicia, which he had bargained for
Cic:Verr_2.1.44   [44] Upon the allotment of Cilicia to Gnaeus Dolabella as his
Cic:Verr_2.1.95   practice of demanding corn, hides, Cilician rugs and sacks from the
Cic:Verr_2.4.116   Verres was governor, to a Cilician galley and its pirate crew.
Cic:Verr_2.4.21   ** was not originally a Cilician pirate town, but inhabited by
Diod_34.2   the mean time, a Cilician called Cleon instigated anothe
Diod_36.5   Athenion, a valiant man, and a Cilician. This man, who was
Diod_37.16   ere was one Agamemnon, a Cilician, who on account of his
Diod_40.4   rabs, also Syria next to Cilicia, Judaea, Arabia, the prov
Diod_40.1a   ia. After reaching Cilicia, they decided to bring back Phi
Euseb]:Chron_27   Greeks had arrived in Cilicia with the intention of fig
Euseb]:Chron_35   naval battle off the coast of Cilicia. He established a
Euseb]:Chron_247   capture, he was sent to Cilicia, and was kept in royal
Euseb]:Chron_259   the city called Mopsuestia in Cilicia, the victory went
ExcBarb_33B   Deasander He assigned Cilicia and Isauria and all the
Festus:Brev_3   Judaea was conquered; Cilicia and Syria came into the
Festus:Brev_12   andit war, subjugated he Cilicians and the Isaurians, who
FGrH_255.6   Dareius in battle at Issus in Cilicia, and again defeated
Hieron:Chron_1995   Ar.] Pylades of Cilicia, a performer of mimes, was the
Joseph:AJ_13.86   an, brought him, and sailed to Cilicia. [87] This thing
Joseph:AJ_13.112   lled out of Antioch, came into Cilicia. [113] Ptolemy
Joseph:AJ_13.116   army, and came out of Cilicia into Syria, and burnt the
Joseph:AJ_13.145   his defeat, retired into Cilicia; but the child Antiochus
Joseph:AJ_13.374   oreigners of Pisidia and Cilicia; for as to the Syrians,
Joseph:AJ_14.79   legions, and then went away to Cilicia, and made haste to
Joseph:AJ_14.324   ia, Cleopatra met him in Cilicia, and brought him to fall
Joseph:BJ_1.88   aries, the Pisidians and Cilicians, assisted him; for as
Joseph:BJ_1.157   himself to go through Cilicia, in his way to Rome, havi
Joseph:BJ_1.428   the small cities about Cilicia, of those annual pensions
Joseph:BJ_1.610   now, when he received in Cilicia the above mentioned letter from
Just_11.11   got possession of Rhodes and Cilicia without an effort.
Just_13.4   nce; and Philotas was allotted Cilicia. 13 Philon of Illyr
Just_13.6   given to Cleitus. Cilicia, being taken from Philotas, was
Just_37.1   assigned Lycaonia and Cilicia; and the Roman people
Just_39.5   oon afterwards Crete and Cilicia, being subdued in the war
Just_40.2   lain hid in a corner of Cilicia, and now, when Tigranes
Malal_197   parates the countries of Cilicia and Syria; the river is
Malal_201   the city of Rhosus in Cilicia, which had been founded
Malal_210-213 *   the mountain called Taurus in Cilicia. When Antiochus had
Malal_222   Egypt. Syria and Cilicia had already become subject to
Nepos_8.4   a fleet, he landed in Cilicia; there his camp was not
Nepos_14.1   king, governed that part of Cilicia which adjoins Cappadocia and is
Nepos_14.4   that country lies beyond Cilicia, next to Cappadocia. 2
Nepos_14.8   and Pisidians, two thousand Cilicians, the same number of
Nicand:Al_400   which the headlands of Cilicia nourish by the brimming
Obseq_44   The pirates were annihilated in Cilicia by the Romans. The Teutones
OGIS_54   (c. 246)   the Euphrates and of Cilicia and Pamphylia and Ioni
OGIS_159   (142-131)   e association of the] (?) Cilicians stationed [in t
Oros_1.2   Taurus. Below this mountain lie Cilicia and Isauria extending as far
Oros_3.17   devastated, Tyre uprooted, Cilicia exhausted, Cappadocia subdued,
Oros_3.23   province: Philotas received Cilicia; Philon, the Illyrians.
Oros_5.23   who was eager to bring Cilicia and Pamphylia under his control,
Oros_7.9   Rhodes, Byzantium, Samos, Thrace, Cilicia, and Commagene were for
Oros_7.29   died on the road between Cilicia and Cappadocia. 18 Thus the
Plin:HN_5.66   and the part touching Cilicia Antiochia. [67] Its length
Plin:HN_5.67   Antiochia. [67] Its length between Cilicia and Arabia is 470 miles
Plin:HN_5.80   of Bomitae. This mountain separates Cilicia from Syria.
Plin:HN_5.123   Polichnaei, Pionitae, the Cilician Mandacandeni, the Mysian
Plin:HN_5.127-130 *   by King Seleucus, between Cilicia, Cappadocia, Cataonia and Armenia.
Plin:HN_5.91-96 *   of Syria, adjoining which is Cilicia. Here are the river Diaphanes,
Plin:HN_6.7   to the Gulf of in Cilicia. It is reported that in
Plin:HN_6.24   passing Lycaonia, Pisidia and Cilicia, and then advances above
Plin:HN_6.142   Amanus in the direction of Cilicia and Commagene, many of the
Plin:HN_6.213   Laodicea, Seleucia, seaboard Cilicia, Southern Cyprus, Crete,
Plin:HN_8.114   when they are crossing from Cilicia to Cyprus; and they do
Plin:HN_8.203   is called night-blindness. In Cilicia and the Syrtes region
Plin:HN_8.225   boundary dividing Cappadocia from Cilicia. The stags on the
Plin:HN_36.164   which were mentioned earlier. Cilician whetstones are effective if
Polyaen_4.6.16   about Syria, Phoenicia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, and even to
Polyaen_4.6.9   for Rhosus, a port of Cilicia, and charged with great
Polyaen_4.9.6   the barbarians, fled towards Cilicia. To conceal himself
Polyaen_8.23.1   Caesar was captured by some Cilician pirates near Malea
Porph:Fr_43   he conquered Syria and Cilicia and the Eastern regions
Porph:Fr_46   to Ptolemy, in Syria and Cilicia and Lycia. At that
Porph:Fr_47   only to possess Syria, Cilicia, Lycia, and the other pro
PsCallisth_2.6   of the barbarians by way of Cilicia. [7] & Then Darius
PsCallisth_2.8   as he journeyed through Cilicia, came to a river called
PsCallisth_2.11   the satraps of Syria and Cilicia and Cappadocia and Paphla
PsCallisth_3.32   ht, and, on reaching the Cilician Mountains, he awaited
PsCallisth_3.33   ians. He assigns Pamphylia and Cilicia to Antigonus. . .
Sall:Hist_2.44   aintained in Asia and in Cilicia because of the excessive
Sall:Hist_2.82   ither Gaul and Octavius taking Cilicia. Then the next cons
SEG_39.1426   (238-221)   y, being commander in Cilicia, occupied a strategic
SelPap_1.38   measure, a balance, a Cilician cloth, a cup-shaped
SelPap_2.314   in the quarter of the Cilicians ; in the 9th yea
SelPap_2.351   onius, registered in the Cilician quarter, huntsman
SelPap_2.401   red from cohort I Flavia Cilicum, in the centuria of C
StephByz_70   ribe of Parthians in India. In Cilicia. In Cyprus. By Moun
THI_257   (243) Phoenicia }, Syria, Cherek { Cilicia }, Seger  { Sumer }
ValMax_3.8e.6   forces of Darius, being in Cilicia almost roasted by the heat
Vit:Arat_1   distinguished city in Cilicia, the home of many excelle
Vit:Arat_2   poet Aratus lived at Soli in Cilicia. His father was Ath
[Vict]:VirIll_75   he governed the province of Cilicia. He defeated the Samnites and
[Vict]:VirIll_81   and as praetor he rid Cilicia of banditry. As consul, he
[Vict]:VirIll_82   his father-in-law Appius in Cilicia, and Appius was accused

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