Caelian - in ancient sources @ attalus.org
This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.
Hill - a hill in Rome
→ Wikipedia entry
+ Caelius
Diana, situated on the lesser Caelian. ** There are those here
also added the Aventine and Caelian Hills to the city, divided
tone found at Rome on the Mons Caelius; dedicated in
house, which was on the Caelian Hill, was, according to Cornelius
he had built upon the Caelian hill, because it hindered them
senate house He included the Caelian hill within the bounds of
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