The translation of these two graffiti is adapted from the German translation by H.J. Thissen, "Zur Familie des Strategen Monkores" (ZPE, 1977). The dates have been corrected, following C. Bennett, Egyptian Dates. The visit of Plenis-Pamonthes marked the dedication of the portico of the temple, according to G. Hölbl, "A History of the Ptolemaic Empire" (2001), p. 276.
[A] Regnal year 26 of the pharaoh Ptolemy, which makes (?) year 4 (?) of the queen Cleopatra, 1st Tybi, the 12th day of the phyle . . . {the following partly unreadable} . . . Kalasaris the strategos entered the temple that day . . . {there is then a mention of donations to the priests} . . . It was done in the name of Kalasaris son of Monkores the strategos and his brothers . . . {Followed by wishes that his name might be immortal before the gods}.
[B] Regnal year 5 of the pharaoh Ptolemy and the queen Cleopatra, the father-loving gods, 14th Thoth, the 20th day of the 1st phyle. Plenis, who is also called Pamonthes, son of Monkores, the strategos, and his brothers took part in the feast in the hall, which is outside the great pylons of the dromos of Djeme. He made burnt offerings and drink offerings before the gods . . . {The remainder of the text mentions financial privileges for guard duty (?) granted to the priests by Pamonthes; and closes with the phrases often found in graffiti, that the name of the scribe may endure and his soul may live}.
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