
Egyptian Texts:  6.21


Text:   P. Fitzhugh D. 2   [ TM 51409 ]
Date:   3rd century B.C.
Language:   Demotic
Translated by:   E. A. E. Reymond 
Format:   see key to translations

Local disputes over land are mentioned regularly in Ptolemaic papyri, and this memorandum shows that the official called 'Overseer of Fields' played an important part in resolving the disputes. The translation is taken from E. A. E. Reymond , "Two Demotic Memoranda" (JEA, 1972).

A reminder to Ḥarmenēpe, the overseer [of fields] from Nakht-nebef.   Ḥor, the Nubian who is under the authority of the overseer of fields Paimūn son of Ḥarpaēsê, has wronged me exceedingly because of 5 the fact that there is a deed- of-endowment which I placed in his possession on agreement. The deed aforesaid reached me on agreement, but they took (?) abundantly. Pasōs, perish his heart!, he had caused that he gave to him the deed aforesaid. When it has 10 reached me to-day, I am making it my request. If it should be, behold, the opinion of the overseer of fields, the chief of the plantation (?), the watchman, the inspector: the overseer of fields, is to cause the persons aforesaid to be brought who have caused to give them (?) 15 the ? deposition (?) in the presence of the (?) . . . other authority on earth beyond that of the overseer of fields to ? safeguard (?) our agreements at (?) your house, and we will . . . authority. As for the fair command, may it be made known20 It has been recorded.

{In a different hand, at the bottom}   May they bring the persons aforesaid to us at once. May it happen that you listen, or we will punish them. Ḥar-ḳy (?) has written. Year 17, third month of inundation, day 8.

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