Hatheritis belonged to a bi-cultural Egyptian/Greek family, and her Greek name was Aphrodisia; see I.S.Moyer, "Finding a Middle Ground: Culture and Politics in the Ptolemaic Thebaid", pp. 24-33 ( academia.edu ) . She was commemorated with two epitaphs, one in hieroglyphs and the other in Greek verse ( THI_191.B ). As often happens to Egyptian personal names, modern writers have given her name various different spellings: for instance: Hathor-iy-ti, Hathor-iity, Hut-her-iti, or Hathoretis.
The first half of this translation of her hieroglyphic epitaph is taken from M. Rihan, "Two stelae from the Egyptian Museum, CG: 22018, 22050" ( PDF ). The second half is taken from M. Panov, "Women in the Inscriptions of the Late Period", no 6.5 ( academia.edu ).
An offering that the king gives and Osiris, foremost of the westerners, the great god, the lord of the ennead, lord of Sḫn-rḫyt {El-Hassaia necropolis}, to the westerners and to the easterners who are in the necropolis, may you lift up the woman to the creator of her body, may those who carry their masters and those who carry their mistresses hide her mummy in the west, may those four mourners for Re lift up the ba of the Known one to heaven, 5 may the four bearers of offerings, the inert gods and praised gods who are upon her throne heal her body, O Gods of the caverns, gods of the great shrine, the crossing-gods, protection-gods and gods of the hall of the two justices, may you give an fine burial on the necropolis of the west of Edfu for the beautiful lady, wise and virtuous, who nourished youths, wife of the general, 'royal brother', governor in Upper Egypt - their children are prosperous, nobody is equal to them - Hatheritis, justified, daughter of the chief of the scales Euagoras, justified, born to the mistress of the house Ima, justified. 10 Her house is stable, her property is on its proper place, her children follow her upon the earth forever.
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