
Egyptian Texts:  4.18


Text:   Kansas City, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 47-12   [ TM 48436 ]
Provenance:   (?) Mendes
Date:   c. 136-121 B.C.
Language:   Hieroglyphic
Translated by:   D. Klotz 
Format:   see key to translations

Harchebi/Archibios was a prominent example of a man with dual Egyptian-Greek identity holding high office in the Ptolemaic kingdom. The translation of the inscription on his statue is taken from D. Klotz, "The Statue of the dioiketes Harchebi/Archibios. Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 47-12" ( ). Although Klotz puts the case for a date in the reign of Ptolemy II, it seems most likely that the statue was set up in honour of the man called Archibios who is known to have been dioiketes during the reign of Ptolemy VIII, in the years 123-121 B.C.  

[A}    {belt}

The priest, royal scribe, overseer of fields, dioiketes, Harchebi, who is called Archibios, son of Pamnevis, born of Senobastis.

[B}    {back pillar}

The iry-pʿ.t and ḥȝty-pʿ.t, the royal seal-bearer, sole companion, overseer of royal land in Lower Egypt (?), beloved of the nsw-king, confidant of the biti-king, the dignitary in chief of his entourage, who comes and goes within the palace, beside the throne in the Great Terrace, whose arrival is awaited among the officials, since nothing is done without his knowledge, whom the king trusts with all of his income, who performs whatever he desires, without being opposed, who speaks with the king in private, without . . . taking away . . . 2 his heart for the one Foremost of Hesret { Thoth }, who supports the troops, who feeds the guards, who creates respect for the king through his work, who equips the seal-bearers with all good things, who gives in excess of what had come from them previously, food is before him, sustenance is after him, who brings Nenet {Abundance} into his granary, whose speech is the decree of life, since his command is to never diminish.

The dioiketes, Har[chebi] . . .

[I am] . . . 3 a dioiketes, who serves the king and grants food offerings.

The Ram within Anpet is in my heart, because the Inundation surges forth to provide for his food, I enlarged his burial with all precious things of my estate in the embalming place {wʿb.t}, I made a decree concerning this at the mounds of Lower Egypt, and I made it as it had been before.

I renovated what was destroyed, and I restored what was found missing, from the desire to multiple years for the Sole Lord.

I made the foundation for a propylon . . .  4 works, I gave it to Thoth, because he had set my heart straight, without being led astray. I let my activity extend to the pr-wnḫ.t, the burial place of Wp-rḥ.wy, after an extended period when no work had been completed by any type of artisan.

I replaced what had fallen into disrepair, and I filled what was found missing, inscribed with the titles of His Majesty.

I accomplished all of this while my heart was on your path, o great living god, chief of the gods, so you might grant me a long life . . .

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