[A] Poll-tax Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 941 [ TM 50672 ]
Piko, son of Peteere(?) has paid to the Bank for the poll-tax of the year 19: 2 stater 1 kit ... Written in the year 19 of the Caesar, who is exalted, on the 20th of Mesore(?)
year 19: of the reign of Augustus (8 BCE) Mesore: a summer month |
[B] Poll-tax with additional charge Greek & demotic ostrakon, no. 766 [ TM 23834 ]
Greek: Peteamenope, son of Pamonth, poll-tax, year 14.Demotic: Peteamenope, son of Pamonth, has paid to the Bank the poll-tax for year 14: 2 stater 1 kit, with the additional charge according to 1½ obols. Written in the year 15 of the exalted Tiberius, the exalted Caesar, the exalted Augustus, on the 9th of Tybe. Andrus, son of Piko, has written (this).
Year 29 CE additional charge: paid to the tax-collector for sending the money to the Bank. It was introduced during the reign of Augustus. according to 1½ obols: per stater, i.e. 6¼% of the tax due, sometimes it is only one twentyfourth. Taxes vary with location. Other extra charges made were a tax for dykes - one sixteenth (levied on people who did not do Tybe: a winter month |
[C] Poll-tax without additional charge Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 909 [ TM 50677 ]
Nilus, son of Apollon, has paid to the Bank the poll-tax for year 15: 4 stater, half of which is 2 stater - 4 stater again, without extra charge.
Written in the year 15 of the exalted Tiberius, the exalted Caesar, the exalted Augustus .... Andrus, son of Piko, has written (this).
year 29 CE 4 stater, half of which is 2 stater: the mention of half the amount seems to be a precautionary measure. without extra charge: the payment of the additional charge may just have been deferred |
[D] Poll-tax for a dead person Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 736 [ TM 50678 ]
Petekhonspekhrat, son of Pete...., has paid to the Bank for the poll-tax (for) the dead person according to ½, for the year 15: 1 stater ½ kit with extra charge according to 1 obol. Written in the year 15 of the exalted Tiberius, the exalted Caesar, the exalted Augustus, on the 29th of Mesore. Andrus, son of Piko, has written (this).
year 29 CE dead person according to ½: he seemingly died in the first half of the year. |
[E] Dam tax Demotic ostrakon, inv. no 1601 [ TM 50686 ]
Petenefhotep, son of Enkhpekhrat, has paid (to) the Bank Dam-tax for the year 15: 1 stater 1 kit 4 obols, with additional charge of 2½ obols. Written in the year 16 of the exalted Tiberius, the exalted Caesar, the exalted Augustus, on the 30th Khoiakh, day 3(?).
Thebes, reign of Tiberius, year 16 (30 CE) Khoiakh: last month of the innundation season, Julian month of December |
[F] Salt tax Demotic ostrakon, DO Uppsala 615 [ TM 81527 ]
Wennofre, son of Haruodj, has paid [to the bank] in the year 17 for (?) salt tax [1 (silver)- kite, making] 2 stater, [making 1 (silver)-kite repeated. Written in the year 17 (?)] of Tiberius Caesar [Augustus]. [A]ndrus, son of Piko, [has written (this)] [at the bidding] of Ammonius, his brother.
Source: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - Boreas Vol.6, 1974
Thebes year 17: 30/31 CE |
[G] Public baths tax Demotic & Greek ostrakon, no. 1236 [ TM 23836 ]
Demotic: Peteusire, son of Pueriebt, has paid to the Bank for the baths (for) the year 32, (Peteusire) belonging to (the) people of Pamonth, son of Herieu: 1 kit, its half makes ½ kit - 1 kit again. Written in the year 32, on the 18th of Mesore.Greek: Peteusire has paid two drachmas - 2 dr.
belonging to (the) people of Pamonth: possibly employed by Pamonth |
[H] Temple palm tax Demotic & Greek ostrakon, no. 1067 [ TM 23837 ]
Demotic: Pteamenope, son of Pamonth, has paid to the Bank as tax of the Palm of the God for the year 16: 2 stater 1½ kit 1½ obols (its half making) 1 stater ½ kit 3½ obols (-) 2 stater 1½ kit 1½ obols, with the additional charge at 1 obol. Written in the year 17 of the exalted Tiberius, the exalted Caesar, the exalted Augustus, on the 13th of Thoth. Andrus, son of Piko, has written (this).Greek: Peteameno(pe)
From Thebes, reign of Tiberius year 17 (31 CE) tax of the Palm of the God: lit. silver of the Palm of the God. |
[I] House tax Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 1323 [ TM 50695 ]
Tebai(?), daughter of Theteu, has paid 7/12 kit as house tax. Herieu has written (this), in the year 15 on ...
From Thebes, 3rd/2nd century BCE |
[J] Basket tax Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 1185 [ TM 50696 ]
Peteusire, son of Theteu, 3 silver kit as basket tax. Pahap has written (this) in the year 11 on the 23rd of Phamenoth.
From Thebes, 3rd century BCE Basket tax: to pay for the baskets used to transport the taxes to Alexandria. |
[K] Beer tax Demotic papyrus, inv. no p6464 [ TM 4638 ]
Hor, son of Haronekh, and his mother have paid as beer tax for the year(?) 7(?) 15 pieces of silver/ [Pa]bai, son of Pakhret, has written (this).
From Thebes, possibly the reign of Euergetes I year 7 (239 BCE) |
[L] Company(?) tax Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 884 [ TM 2475 ]
Petehar[semtou], (son) [of Panebkhone], and his associates have paid 5[24] pieces of silver, its half making 262 (pieces of silver) - 524 (pieces of silver) again(?). They have been put to their credit. Hermias has written (this) in the year 26, on the 26th of Paophe.
From Gebelein, 89/88 BCE. 5[24] pieces of silver: a large amount, therefore probably a tax on property. |
[M] Collection of the God Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 1178 [ TM 50704 ]
It is Pshenenter, son of Peteese, who says to ... 'I have been (paid) fully (with) the Collection of the God for the year 7(?) and with the Collection of the God for the year 8 of the exalted Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus.' Pshenenter, son of Peteese, has written (this).
From Hermonthis, year 8 of the reign of Tiberius (22 CE) Collection of the God: Originally a voluntary contribution. the God: possibly Monthu |
[N] Harvest tax paid in kind Demotic ostrakon, inv. no. 973 [ TM 43507 ]
Peteharsemtou, son of Panebkhone, has paid to the Thesaurus in Pathyris as tax on the harvest of castor beans for the year 21: ½ (artabe) of castor-beans, the half of which is ¼ - ½ again. It has been put to his credit. Patseo has written (this) in the year 21.
From Gebelein, c. 94 BCE Pathyris: on the western bank of the Nile between Armant and Esne, capital of its nome. castor-beans: castor oil was pressed from these seeds. |
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