
Egyptian Texts:  4.31


Text:   Louvre E 13074   [ TM 48445 ]
Provenance:   Serapeum, Saqqara
Date:   November 151 B.C.
Script:   Hieroglyphic + Demotic
Translated by:   J. Moje
Format:   see key to translations

This epitaph is unusual in that it is written twice, first in hieroglyphic and then in demotic script. The two versions are broadly similar to each other. Although both versions contain a date at the start, they do not provide the name of the king; but recent scholars agree that the king was probably Ptolemy VI.

Both texts have been re-edited with a German translation by J. Moje, "Die hieroglyphisch/demotische Stele Louvre E 13074" (SAK, 2013).

stela of Achomarres
Louvre E 13074 :   (L-R) Nephthys, Isis, Osiris, Achomarres

[A]   { Hieroglyphic }

Regnal year 32, month of Phaophi.   A sacrifice that the king gives to Osiris Khenti-amenti, lord of eternity, king of the gods, lord of Rosetau, and Isis the great, mother of god, and Nephthys, sister of god, so that they may give a death-offering of bread, beer, wine, milk, libations, incense, all good and beautiful things, to Osiris, the God's Father, sem-priest, priest of Ptah, wab-priest of the gods of the temple of Memphis, retainer of Heqet and Isis, scribe of every fourth phyle, book-keeper to Pharaoh, scribe of the Serapeum, scribe of the house of Anubis, scribe of the house of Osiris in Rut-isut, priest of Sopdu, the lord of Weryt, priest of the gods of Per-Sopdu,   Achomarres, called Hor, son of the God's Father, priest of Ptah, priest of Min, the lord of snw.t, Herieus,   born to the lady of the house Sekhmet-nefert, justified. All the divine rites were performed for him as they are prescribed, and a beautiful burial was performed during 70 days. He had 63 years of life. His children will be in this place after him. His beautiful name will remain, remain, endure, endure unfailingly through all eternity.

[B]   { Demotic }

Regnal year 31, Phaophi, 6th day.   Osiris Khenti-amenti, lord of eternity, king of the gods (and) Isis the great, mother of god, the great goddess, (and) Nephthys, may they give libations, incense, clothing and a beautiful burial to Osiris, the God's Father, sem-priest beloved of the gods, priest of Ptah, wab-priest of the gods of the temple of Memphis, retainer of Heqet and Isis, topogrammateus, book-keeper to Pharaoh, scribe of every fourth phyle of the Serapeum temple, scribe of the house of Osiris in Rut-isut, scribe of the house of the (sacred) chest of Anubis, priest of Sopdu, the lord of Weryt, priest of the gods of Per-Sopdu,   Achomarres, called Hor, (son) of the God's Father, priest of Min, the lord of snw.t, Herieus,   born to the lady Sekhmet-nefert. His beautiful name, it will endure, it will be firm forever. All the divine rites were performed for him as prescribed during 75 days, (and) a beautiful burial was performed during 70 days. He rests in these resting places, which were made after he had completed 63 years of life on earth. His children will be everlasting in his place after him, since he is a blessed one before Sokar, Isis, Osiris and every god [of the underworld?]. His name during forever.   Achomarres, called Hor, (son) of Herieus, the priest of Min and Sokar, [born to] the lady Sekhmet-nefert.

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