The Hekatomnid dynasty ruled Caria down to 334 B.C.; and as this inscription shows, their descendants continued to be prominent in the region for many years afterwards. To emphasise his family connections, Pixodaros was named after a son of Hekatomnos.
Gods. When Ekephylos was archon at Delphi, and the hieromnemones were as follows:
Since Pixodaros of Mylasa, the son of Krateas, who is a descendant of Maussolos son of Hekatomnos, [has recounted the fine] and glorious services rendered [by his ancestors] to the temple of Delphi, and the assistance they have provided [to the Amphictyons at all times]; and he has made it clear that he himself retains the same attitude as them of goodwill towards the Amphictyonic council, co-operating with them on [every] occasion and helping to provide what is [beneficial and] honourable [for everyone], therefore it is resolved by the hieromnemones of the Amphictyons to grant security [and freedom from all taxes] to Pixodaros and his descendants, and that the Amphictyons shall show them every [honour and kindness]; and to grant them priority in receiving justice for any wrong they suffer, so long as they [(?) bring the accusation before the hieromnemones], and conduct all other matters according to the laws of the Amphictyons. This decree [shall be inscribed in] the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
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