
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 486


Greek text:   IG_2².788   ( see also IG_2³.1.1028 )
Date:     c. 234/3 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

Antidoros was the priest of Kalliste, a form of the goddess Artemis who had a civic cult in Athens; see J.D.Mikalson, "Religion in Hellenistic Athens", page 149 ( Google Books ).

In the year of Lysanias as archon, in the eighth prytany of the Oineis tribe, with Eumelos of Euonymon, the son of Empedion, as secretary; on the eighteenth day of the month of Anthesterion, which was the eighteenth day of the prytany, in full assembly; Euphronios of Aixone, the son of Kleëmporos, and the other presidents put in to the vote on behalf of the presidents; it was resolved by the council and people, as proposed by Theophilos of Lamptrai, the son of Philotheos: since Antidoros, who was allotted to be priest of Kalliste in the year when Ekphantos was archon, performed all the sacrifices in a fine and honourable manner, and dedicated a stone altar from his own resources; and rendered an account of all that he had managed during the year, in accordance with the laws; therefore so that the council and the people may be seen to reward those who act honourably towards the temple, with good fortune it is resolved by the council that the presidents who are allotted to preside over the next assembly shall raise this matter and bring the decision of the council to the people, that it is resolved by the council to praise Antidoros of Pergase, the son of Antidoros, and to crown him with an olive-wreath, on account of his piety towards the gods and his honourable conduct towards the council and the people. The secretary of the prytany shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and set it up in the temple of Kalliste; and the treasurer shall assign the necessary funds to pay for the preparation and inscribing of the stone.

The council honours Antidoros of Pergase.
The people honours Antidoros of Pergase.

inscription 487

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