
Select Papyri, 1.5A


  Greek text:   PEleph 4
Date:   283 B.C.
Translated by:   B.Porten and J.J.Farber

If, as is generally assumed, Elaphiŏn was a concubine paying money - perhaps a kind of dowry - to her lover, it is strange that just seven months after this agreement was made, she entered into an almost identical arrangement with another man from Arcadia ( Greek text: PEleph_3 ). For some possible explanations, see S.B.Pomeroy, "Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra", pp.143-146. ( Google Books ).

This papyrus was not included in the original collection.  

In the 41st year of the reign of Ptolemy, Eureos the son of Proitos being priest, on the 3rd day of the month of Hyperberetaios, Elaphiŏn, a Syrian woman, her legal guardian being Dion, paid to Pantarkes the Arcadian support for herself to the amount of 400 drachmas of silver.  Let it not be permitted to Pantarkes or to anyone else acting for Pantarkes to bring suit against Elaphion in order to exact support or enslave her on any pretext.  Or else, let their proceeding be invalid and let Pantarkes pay back to Elaphion or to him who acts for Elaphion a penalty of 10,000 drachmas. Let this contract be valid everywhere, wherever Elaphion or another acting for Elaphion may produce it against Pantarkes, exactly as written by Elaphion.

Witnesses: Kleonikos the Arcadian, Nikagoras the Cyrenaean, Rhodokles the =aegina+Aeginetan, Aphrodisios of Side, Dionysios of Magnesia, Thaliarchos the Cyrenaean.  Nikagoras is the Keeper of Contracts.

{Docketed}   Contract of Elaphiŏn with Pantarkes.  She tendered support: 400 drachmas.

{Seals} of Nikagoras of Aphrodisios of Thaliarchos 
of Dion of Rhodokles of Elaphiŏn of Dionysios
of Pantarkes of Kleuni[kos]     acquired from Ph...

papyrus 6

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