
Select Papyri, 1.163


Greek text:   POxy 939
Date:   4th cent. A.D.

To my lord Flavianus from Demetrius greeting. As on many other occasions, but now more than ever, the mind of the Lord God regarding you has been revealed to us all by the recovery of our mistress from the illness which overtook her, and may we never cease to profess our thanks that He has been gracious to us and assented to our prayers, preserving for us our mistress ; for she is the object of all our hopes. Grant me pardon, my lord, and take my action in good part, even if I have unwillingly thrown you into such distress by writing about her the news which you have received. For I was out of my mind, seeing her in great affliction, when I sent the first message asking if by any means you could come to us, for so my duty demanded. But as she seems to have taken a turn for the better, I have made haste to have another letter brought to you by Euphrosynus, in order to cheer you. For by your welfare, my lord, which is my chief concern, I protest that if my son Athanasius had not then been ailing, I should have sent him to you with Plutarchus when her illness lay heavy on her. And now what more to write about her I do not know; for though, as I said before, she seems to be in more tolerable case, having sat up, she is nevertheless rather ill. We comfort her by looking forward to your arrival every hour. I pray, my lord, to the Master of all to give you lasting health. Pharmouthi 6.

{Addressed}   To Flavianus from Demetrius.

papyrus 164

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