The city of Aigai probably decided to honour Seleukos I and his son Antiochos I very soon after their victory at the battle of Koroupedion, in 281 B.C. The extravagance of the honours is remarkable; but the city's gratitude for "becoming free" - from the rule of Lysimachos - may well have been genuine. This inscription was first published in 2009 by H.Malay & M.Ricl (Epigraphica Anatolica, vol. 42 - PDF ); their translation is reproduced here, with a few minor changes.
For another translation, with commentary, see CGRN_137 .
. . . and good . . . to Seleukos and Antiochos . . . so that for all eternity [there may remain the honour awarded (?)] by mankind, the one worthy of their benefactions, with which Seleukos and Antiochos, gods who have manifested themselves, are honoured; moreover, build a most beautiful temple next to the precinct of Apollo and surround it with a free space and dedicate two cult statues as beautiful as possible, having inscribed them with the names of Seleukos and Antiochos, and in front of the temple set up a cult statue and an altar of Soteira; dedicate also an altar opposite the entrance to the temple inscribed "Of Saviours Seleukos and Antiochos"; dedicate also a sacred precinct as beautiful as possible; furthermore, send forth bulls in the hecatomb to the enclosure to Seleukos and Antiochos Saviours, and the women who have been allotted shall sacrifice just as to Apollo . . . and at any rate each month offer two sacrifices on the day we became free; . . . acts of vehemence (?) ... moreover, [divide] the tribes, [however big or small they are], so that there are six instead of four; [name two tribes] Seleukis and Antiochis ... and they themselves and . . . and set up in the prytaneion . . .
. . . sacrifice also a bull in the month of Seleukeon just as to Apollo in the month of Thaxios; let also the priest be nominated from all the citizens annually, who will wear a laurel wreath and a headband and a robe as splendid as possible, and together with the (?) authorities at all the sacrifices he will consult the gods, and at the assembly meetings he will begin the sacrifice on the altar of the Saviours, in the same manner as is done to the other gods . . . the sacred herald at all the sacrifices made at the public cost to the Saviours Seleukos and Antiochos; in the same manner also, when they make drink-offerings before the officials, burn incense and recite vows, and whoever wins the contest of poetry sung to music shall sing a paean over libations; also the prytaneion and the generals' office are to be rebuilt and the prytaneion named Seleukeon and the generals' office Antiocheon. Deliver this decree when the first embassy is dispatched to the king Seleukos and commend him and ask him to preserve his goodwill and friendship, informing him that we shall hand down to posterity the everlasting memory of his benefaction and that we shall make known to all men that we are crowning them with the beautiful crown of glory; engrave this decree on two steles and set up one of them in Apollo's sanctuary and the other in that of Athena next to the altar of Zeus Saviour; appoint forthwith ten men who will take care of the voted decisions, in order that the decisions are carried out with the utmost speed; the following men were appointed:
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