
Royal Correspondence: 48


Original text:   IvP_1.157
Date:     197-159 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

Sections B and C of this inscription are too fragmentary to translate. Part D may refer to the grant of some royal land, given to the city of Temnos; see P.Thonemann, "The Attalid State, 188-133 BC", page 24 ( ).

[A] When Herakleides son of Hermagoras was prytanis, in the month of . . .

King Eumenes to the council and [people] of Temnos, [greetings] . . . Apollas, Theodoros, Athenaios [and] . . ., the envoys [whom] you sent [to me, have handed over your fine and loyal decree, in which you first detailed the] privileges [that have previously been granted] to your city [by my ancestors] . . . the gratitude of the people . . . that [I] commanded . . . as far as possible . . . [and you urged me in the future] to bring about [some benefit for you] . . .

[D] . . . for the government of the city and . . . [in accordance with what is recorded in the] decree . . . I grant also . . . the money [from it] . . . you shall give part [to] . . . what is due in the tenth [month] of each year . . . being instructed each year the appropriate . . . Bomitis . . . in common with you to . . . and so that the measurement of the land may take place [as promptly as possible . . . I have written] to Pyrrhos concerning [what has been agreed by your envoys] in contributing to the payment of dues as is beneficial [for the city and concerning] . . . shall be inscribed as they requested . . . the steles shall be set up . . . and in Ephesos . . . Farewell.

letter 49

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