Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 61
Date: early 2nd century B.C.
Tags: freedom , victors+contestants
Format: see key to translations
Inscriptions A and B refer to the Eleutheria ("Freedom") games, which were held every four years at Larissa, in honour of Zeus Eleutherios. Since they began early in the 2nd century B.C., it is a reasonable assumption that they were instituted in response to the liberation of Thessaly from Macedonian control in 196 B.C.: see the discussion by D.Graninger in Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly.
Androsthenes of Gyrton, who is named in inscription A as the agonothete, is also mentioned in the Chronicle of Eusebius ( p. 245, Schoene ) as leader of the Thessalians in 188/7 B.C. Note that the crown for the citharodes was "consecrated": this probably means that the crown could not be awarded, for instance because there was a tie.
It is noticeable that in the equestrian events at the Eleutheria - unlike the other contests - almost all the victors were members of the Thessalian aristocracy ( see D.Graninger, op.cit., page 82 ). However, women were allowed to participate in these events, and Aristokleia of Larisa appears as one of the victors in inscription B. Some other women who won equestrian events at Greek games are listed by T.G.Antikas, "Olympica Hippica", Table 6.I ( PDF ).
Inscription C refers to the games of Hera (Heraia) at Samos. These games had a full set of events: musical and dramatic competitions and athletic contests, as well as at least two torch races. The results for some other contests have been lost at the end of the inscription. A few of the competitors, such as the comic actor Kleinagoras of Mallos, had come from outside the local region.
Inscription D refers to the Asklepieia games at Kos. These games were instituted in the third century B.C.: see SEG_12.373. The dates for these two instances of the games were suggested by C.Habicht in "Chiron", 30/2000 pp.297 & 306 ( Google Books ).
The Asklepieia are remarkable for the careful separation of the boys into several different groups, which modern scholars have attempted to equate with age ranges; see M.Golden, "Sport and Society in Ancient Greece", pp.105-6 ( Google Books ). Some of the boys, as well as the adults, travelled from a distance to take part in the games.
[A] Greek text: IG_9.2.525
Provenance: Larissa , Thessaly
Date: c. 188/7 B.C.
When Androsthenes of Gyrton, the son of Italos, was agonothete, the victors in the Eleutheria were as follows.
- Trumpeters: Nikodromos of Larisa in Thessaly, the son of Naustratos
- Heralds: Philistion of Boeotia, the son of Demophon
- Flute-players: Xenios of Boeotia, the son of Dionysios
- Citharists: Theodotos of Larisa in Thessaly, the son of Theodotos
- Citharodes: it was decided to consecrate the crown
- Boys' pentathon: Kratinos of . . . in Thessaly, the son of Pythonikos
- Senior boys' pentathlon: Euphor...
- * * *
[B] Greek text: IG_9.2.526
Provenance: Larissa , Thessaly
Date: 196-146 B.C.
* * *
- [Wresting for boys]: Arotes of Thasos, the son of Arotes
- [Wrestling] for senior boys: Isidikos of Kyme, the son of Mnasikles
- [Wrestling] for men: Dionysios of Magnesia on the Maiandros, the son of Herophilos
- Pankration for boys: Demetrios of Syracuse, the son of Demetrios
- Pankration for senior boys: Aristodemos of Thebes, the son of Nikomenes
- Pankration for men: Attalos of Metropolis, the son of Theomnestos
- Heavy-armour race: Pythodoros of Corcyra, the son of Sosthenes
- Race for young riding-horses: Aristokles of Larisa, the son of Kleomachides
- Race for full-grown riding-horses: Theodoros of Atrax, the son of Alexandros
- Race for pairs of foals: Aristokleia of Larisa, the daughter of Megalokles
- Race for pairs of full-grown horses: Thrasippos of Larisa, the son of Nikator
- Race for chariots with foals: Rhadios of Larisa, the son of Pandokos
- Race for chariots with full-grown horses: Antimachides of Larisa, the son of Pythonikos
[C] Greek text: IG_12.6.1.173
Provenance: Pythagoreion , Samos
Date: early 2nd century B.C.
When the damiuourgos was Antipatros, and the agonothetes were Hermippos son of Moschion, Aristeides son of Apollodotos and Nikolaos son of P...ides, and the gymnasiarch was Sosistratos son of Sosistratos the younger, the victors were as follows:
- Trumpeter: N... of Tralles, the son of Menekles
- Herald: Eubios son of Sosistratos
- Actor of old tragedy: Demetrios of M[iletos], the son of Nikaios
- In the torch race of [Hephaist]os, (?) from the first: Leonides son of Theodoros, of the Chesean tribe
- Torch race leader: Aristomenes son of Aristippos, of the Chesean tribe
- Teachers of the citharists: Kallikrates son of Kallikrates
- Flute-player: Neileus of Corinth, the son of Ammonios
- Citharist: Nikon son of Antigonos, by birth the son of Simakon
- Citharode: Lykon of Taras, the son of Lykon
- In the torch race of Aphrodite, (?) from the first: Soton son of Kallikrates, of the Chesean tribe
- Torch race leader: Poseidippos son of . . ., of the Chesean tribe
- Poets of new satyr plays: Archenomos of Rhodes, the son of Hermias
- Poets of new tragedies: Sosistratos [son of Sosistratos]
- Actors: Demetrios of Miletos, the son of Nikaios
- Poets of new comedies: Ariston of Athens, the son of Timostratos
- Actor: Kleinagoras of Mallos, the son of Straton
- Long race for boys: Asklepiades son of Demokrates
- Long race for men: Apollonios of Ephesos, the son of Alkippos
- Stadion race for boys: Agathokles son of Attalos
- Stadion race for men: Soton son of Kallikrates
- Double race for boys: Agathokles son of Attalos
- Double race for men: Soton son of Kallikrates
- Pentathlon: Aristeus of Magnesia-on-the-Maiandros, the son of Zenodotos
- Wrestling for boys: Timotheos of Apameia-on-the-Maiandros, the son of Hippostratos
- Wrestling for men: Archon son of Archon
- Boxing for boys: . . .
- Boxing for men: . . .
- Pankration for boys: Ammonios . . .
- * * *
[D] Greek text: Klee_8.2
Provenance: Asklepieion , Kos
Date: 173 & 169 B.C.
When Theodotos son of [Theodotos] son of Archidamos was priest {of Asklepios}, and D[amatrio]s son of Damatrios son of Hermippos was agonothete, and Melankridas son of Aristodamos was monarchos, the following were the victors at the Asklapieia games:
- trumpeter: Leptinas son of Charmylos
- second: Menodotos of Halikarnassos, the son of Philodamos
- herald: Sosandridas son of Diokles
- second: Phanas of Halikarnassos . . .
- flute-player: Diondas of Herakleia, the son of (?) Hieroitas
- 10 second: Aristodamos of Alexandria, the son of Aristodamos
- citharist: Menestratos of Halikarnassos, the son of Theogenes
- second: Apollonios of Smyrna, the son of Chairippos
- citharode: Dioskouridas son of Antipatros
- second: Machaon of Mytilene, the son of Agenomos
- pentathlon, Isthmian boys : Andromenes son of Hekatodoros
- second: Aristomedes of Rhodes, the son of S[imos]
- beardless boys: Menestratos of Halikarnassos, the son of (?) Euanax
- second: Hegesippos of Antiocheia on Kydnos, the son of ...odoros
- 20 men: Timasianax of Rhodes, the son of Timasianax
- second: Hermias of Halikarnassos, the son of Tauriskos
- long race, Pythian boys: Aithon of Halikarnassos, the son of Dionysios
- second: Menekrates of Sardis, the son of Gennaios
- Isthmian boys: Athenaios of Patara in Lycia, the son of Nomios
- second: Menodotos of Bargylia, the son of Menestratos
- men: Menekrates of Ephesos, the son of Menekrates
- second: Asklepiodoros of Erythrai, the son of Demetrios
- stadion, Pythian boys: Herodotos of Tralles, the son of Diodotos
- 30 second: Archepolis of Rhodes, the son of Athanodoros
- Isthmian boys: Menophilos of Antiphellos in Lycia, the son of Demetrios
- second: Pollis of Chrysaorian Mylasa, the son of Arist...
- beardless boys: . . . of Athens, the son of Drakon
- second: Dama... of Rhodes, the son of ...agoras
- men: Nearchos of Kaunos, the son of Artemidoros
- second: Aristokles . . . son of Hierokles
- double race, Pythian boys: Hage... of Rhodes, the son of ...ros
- second: Drakontomenes of Halikarnassos, the son of (?) Hierokles
- 40 Isthmian boys: Hierokles of Sidon . . .
- second: Menophilos of Antiphellos in [Lycia], the son of De[metrios]
- men: Menedemos of Iasos, the son of . . .
- second: Nearchos of Kaunos, the son of Art[emidoros]
- hippios {4 stade race}, Isthmian boys: (?) Drakon of Halikarnassos, [the son of (?) Hierokles]
- second: Athenaios of Patara in Lycia, [the son of Nomios]
- men: Menekrates of Ephesos, the son of [Mene]krates
- second: Menekrates of Chrysaorian Mylasa, the son of . . .
- wrestling, Pythian boys: Nikomedes son of Anaxibios
- second: Apollonios of Phaselis, the son of (?) Laphanes
- 50 Isthmian boys: Glaukos . . . son of Glaukos
- second: Satyros son of (?) Euandros
- beardless boys: Theokydides . . . son of Paionios
- second: Nikon of Sidon, the son of Nikon
- [men]: Melanthios of Samos, the son of Basileides
- second: ...inos of Ephesos, the son of Klytos
- [boxing], Pythian boys: Dexilas of Sardis, the son of Dexilaos
- second: . . . son of Pausimachos
- Isthmian boys: (?) Dionysodoros of Skepsis, the son of Apollonios
- second: (?) Aristos son of [Aristo]machos
- beardless boys: Metrodoros of (?) Sardis . . .
- 60 second: Diokles of . . ., the son of Pythodoros
- men: Philotas of Laodikeia [on] Lykos, the son of Nikarchos
- second: Demetrios of (?) Synnada, the son of Menodoros
- pankration, Pythian boys: . . . son of Aristarchos
- second: Dexilas of Sardis, the son of D[exilas]
- Isthmian boys: Chairippos son of Ariston
- second: Demetrios of Knidos, the son of Artemon
- beardless boys: ...sios of Kolophon, the son of Perigenes
- second: . . . of Kyzikos, the son of Diphilos
- men: Themistokles of (?) Rhodes . . .
- heavy-armour race: Nearchos of Kaunos, the son of Artemidoros
- 70 [second]: Demosthenes of Iasos, the son of Aristomachos
When Theodotos son of Theodotos son of [Archidamos] was priest {of Asklepios}, and Hekatodoros son of . . . was agonothete, and Thessalos son of Thessalos was monarchos, the [following were the victors at] the Asklapieia games:
- trumpeter: (?) Moschion son of Eudamos
- second: Timeas son of Charmylos
- [herald]: Androsthenes son of Parmeniskos
- second: Sosandridas son of Diokles
- citharist: Alkias of . . ., the son of Epikrates
- second: Leodamas of Seleukeia on Tigris, the son of Antigonos
- citharode: Eteokles of Mytilene in Lesbos, the son of Eteokles
- 80 second: Machaon of Mytilene, the son of Agenomos
- pentathlon, Isthmian boys: Apollodoros of Kyme in Aiolis, the son of Demetrios
- second: Xenon of Rhodes, the son of ...andros
- beardless boys: Aristomedes of Rhodes, the son of Simos
- second: Harmodios of Halikarnassos, the son of Harmodios
- men: Ant... of Assos, the son of Apollonides
- second: Nikarchos of Myrina, the son of Proxenos
- long race, Pythian boys: Ariston of Halikarnassos, the son of Ariston
- second: Metras of Ephesos, the son of Metras
- Isthmian boys: Aithon of Halikarnassos, the son of Dionysios
- second: Erymneus of (?) Ilion [in] Pamphylia, the son of Anaxidoros
- men: Menekrates of Ephesos, the son of Menekrates
- 90 second: Straton of Korkyra, the son of Aristokrates
- stadion, [Pythian] boys: Sosinikos of Rhodes, the son of Kallias
- second: Bloson of Myndos, the son of Bloson
- Isthmian boys: Apollonios of Pergamon, the son of Metrodoros
- second: Hekataios of Chrysaorian Stratonikeia, the son of (?) Menes
- beardless boys: Perigenes of Apollonia, the son of Menestratos
- second: Dionysios of Laodikeia in Phoenicia, the son of Dionysios
- men: Dionysios . . ., . . .
- second: Asklepiodoros of Laodikeia in Phoenicia . . .
- [double race], Pythian boys: [Bloson] of Myndos, the son of Bloson
- 100 second: Sosinikos [of Rhodes, the son of Kallias]
- Isthmian boys: Drakontomenes [of Halikarnassos], the son of Hierokles
- [second]: . . .
→ inscription 62
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| 07.10.24
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