Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions
This is a list of online translations of inscriptions - some on other websites, but mostly on this site - in addition to the main collections of inscriptions that are mentioned in the index page of documents. For a complete list of Hellenistic Greek inscriptions that are available in translation, go to the Concordance of Inscriptions.
→ Go to inscription number (in range 1 - 263):
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- THI_1 {IG_7.190} : Pagai honours Soteles ( 64-56 B.C. )
- THI_2 {Didyma_511} : Didyma honours the treasurer Mousaios ( 54/3 B.C. )
- THI_3 {IFayoum_3.205} : A dedication for Cleopatra, by the priest Onnophris ( 51 B.C. )
- THI_4 {MAMA_9.179.P49} : Aizanoi honours Menogenes ( 49/8 B.C. )
- THI_5 {SB_4.7337} : Decree of Cleopatra, from Heracleopolis ( 41 B.C. )
- THI_6 {SB_1.3926} : Privileges for a temple of Isis at Ptolemais ( 46 B.C. )
- THI_7 {Panamara_2} : Epiphany of Zeus at Panamara ( soon after 40 B.C. )
- THI_8 {RECAM_2.188} : Epitaph of Deiotarus Philopator ( 43-40 B.C. )
- THI_9 {Mylasa_133} : Letter of a Roman magistrate to Mylasa ( c. 30 B.C. )
- THI_11 {Miletos_406} : Miletos honours a victorious athlete ( c. 20 B.C. )
- THI_12 {Iasos_83} : Treaty between Iasos, Ptolemaios and others ( c. 309-305 B.C. )
- THI_13 {Iasos_95} : Letters from Aristoboulos and Asklepiodotos to Iasos ( c. 305-295 B.C. )
- THI_14 {Halikarnassos_17+} : Troizen honours citizens of Halikarnassos ( c. 303-255 B.C. )
- THI_15 {Miletos_31} : Treaty between Miletos and Phygela ( 334-317 B.C. )
- THI_16 {Priene_23} : The garrison of Teloneia in Priene honours Helikon ( 250-200 B.C. )
- THI_17 {IG_11.4.596} : Delos honours Antigenes of Rhodes ( mid 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_18 {IG_12.sup.122} : Eresos honours Aglanor ( 209-204 B.C. )
- THI_19 {Magnesia_40+} : Documents concerning the founding of Magnesia ( late 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_20 {IG_11.4.1054} : Theangela honours Semos of Delos ( c. 230-220 B.C. )
- THI_21 {Philae_12bis} : Petition from the priests of Mandulis at Philae ( 149/8 B.C. )
- THI_22 {SGDI_1899} : Manumission of Damon by a doctor ( 155/4 B.C. )
- THI_23 {IDelos_4.1526 +} : Roman Businessmen on the Island of Delos ( late 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_24 {SGDI_1721 +} : Manumission of female slaves at Delphi ( early 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_25 {IKEO_274} : A statue of Herakles, dedicated at Behistun ( 148 B.C. )
- THI_26 {IKEO_147/427} : King Hyspaosines and Queen Thalassia ( 140-124 B.C. )
- THI_27 {IKEO_9 +} : Inscriptions on a rock face at Armavir, Armenia ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_28 {IKEO_271+} : Letter of Antiochos to Menedemos ( 193 B.C. )
- THI_29 {IKEO_454/5} : Contracts for sale of a vineyard in Atropatene ( 88-21 B.C. )
- THI_30 {P. Dura 15} : Contract for sale of property at Dura-Europos ( 195 B.C. )
- THI_31 {Labraunda_33 +} : Letters of Philippos to Olympichos and Mylasa ( 220 B.C. )
- THI_32 {Labraunda_2} : The Chrysaoreis honour Apollonios ( 267 B.C. )
- THI_33 {Labraunda_40} : Letter of Olympichos to Mylasa, concerning dedicated land ( c. 235 B.C. )
- THI_34 {Mylasa_25} : Mylasa honours Moschion ( c. 189-167 B.C. )
- THI_35 {FD_3.1.486} : Treaty between Delphi and Pellana ( c. 285-280 B.C. )
- THI_36 {Iasos_70} : Decrees of Rhodes concerning Iasos ( 220-214 B.C. )
- THI_37 {CID_4.11} : Letter of Adeimantos to Demetrios ( 302 B.C. )
- THI_38 {IG_12.9.198} : Eretria honours Adeimantos of Lampsakos ( c. 304-301 B.C. )
- THI_39 {DemRhamn_2.17} : Rhamnous honours Dikaiarchos and Menandros ( 235-223 B.C. )
- THI_40 {Iasos_73 +} : Samothrace honours Dymas of Iasos ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_41 {Priene_117} : Priene celebrates its liberation from a tyrant ( 297 B.C. )
- THI_42 {Amyzon_7} : Amyzon honours Margos ( 277 B.C. )
- THI_43 {IG_12.4.1.75} : Subscription for the defence of the island of Kos ( 202/1 B.C. )
- THI_44 {IscrCos_ED.71} : Athens, Samos and others honour Nikomedes of Kos ( c. 315-307 B.C. )
- THI_45 {IscrCos_ED.49} : Decree of Kos concerning the preparation of ships ( 205/4 B.C. )
- THI_46 {IG_9.1².136} : The Aetolians grant isopoliteia to Trikka ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_47 {IG_12.3.1291} : Decree of Thera following a pirate raid ( 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_48 {IG_12.3.328} : Letter concerning captives from Thera at Allaria in Crete ( c. 260 B.C. )
- THI_49 {IG_12.3.331} : Decree in honour of Baton, a gymnasiarch of Thera ( 153/2 B.C. )
- THI_50 {IG_12.7.36} : Arkesine honours Timessa ( early 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_51 {Didyma_38} : List of donations to the temple at Didyma ( 277/6 B.C. )
- THI_52 {Miletos_37+20} : Treaty of isopoliteia between Miletos and Seleukeia-Tralles ( 218/7 B.C. )
- THI_53 {IC_2.12.20} : Treaty between Eleutherna and king Antigonos ( c. 227-224 B.C. )
- THI_54 {IKEO_197+} : Manumission of slaves at Susa ( 142-131 B.C. )
- THI_55 {IThesp_214+} : Manumission of slaves in Boeotia ( 300-150 B.C. )
- THI_56 {IG_11.4.680+} : Delos honours Autokles of Chalkis ( 239-229 B.C. )
- THI_57 {DeThèbes_189} : Letter of Ptolemaios VIII to the youths of Omboi ( 135 B.C. )
- THI_58 {Melet_22.EA.15} : Ruling of king Philippos about the property of Sarapis ( 187/6 B.C. )
- THI_59 {IG_12.sup.644+} : Macedonian military regulations ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_60 {IG_4.1.244} : A statue of Telemnastos of Gortyn at Epidauros ( c. 192 B.C. )
- THI_61 {IG_9.2.525+} : Victors in games at Larissa, Samos and Kos ( early 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_62 {IG_12.3.1270} : Syme honours Aristophanes ( late 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_63 {IDelos_399} : Accounts of the treasurers of the temple at Delos ( 193 B.C. )
- THI_64 {IG_9.1².17} : The Aetolians and Delphi honour the poet Poseidippos ( c. 266-263 B.C. )
- THI_65 {IG_9.1².56} : Exedra at Thermos, dedicated to the family of Ptolemaios ( c. 238 B.C. )
- THI_66 {Ephesos_34} : Ephesos honours a citizen of Magnesia ( 302-295 B.C. )
- THI_67 {FD_3.4.133} : Lilaia honours the garrison sent by Attalos ( c. 208 B.C. )
- THI_68 {ABSA_56.4.4} : Catapulters at Paphos honour their engineer ( 163-145 B.C. )
- THI_69 {IG_12.5.1061} : Karthaia on Keos honours Hieron of Syracuse ( c. 260 B.C. )
- THI_70 {ThessMnemeia_10} : Epitaph of Antigenes of Demetrias ( c. 217 B.C. )
- THI_71 {IC_2.17.1} : Treaty between Magas and the Oreioi in Crete ( 274-261 B.C. )
- THI_72 {Panamara_5+6} : Panamara honours Philippos and Asklepiades ( 201-198 B.C. )
- THI_73 {IG_9.1.97} : The Phocians recognise the inviolability of Tenos ( early 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_74 {IG_9.1².706} : Agreement to provide Locrian Maidens ( c. 280-240 B.C. )
- THI_75 {IG_11.4.1036} : The League of Islanders honours Demetrios ( c. 305 B.C. )
- THI_76 {Moretti_1.39} : Dedication to Leto by a thiasos at Argos ( c. 303 B.C. )
- THI_77 {TitCal_61+} : Kalymna honours judges from Iasos ( 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_78 {FD_3.1.358} : Delphi agrees to maintain a house for Theban envoys ( c. 219/8 B.C. )
- THI_79 {IG_12.9.212} : Eretria honours Arrhidaios the Macedonian ( 304-302 B.C. )
- THI_80 {IG_12.6.1.6+} : Treaty of Antiocheia-on-Maiandros ( c. 165 B.C. )
- THI_81 {IG_2².5227a} : Epitaph of Chairippos at Athens ( c. 287/6 B.C. )
- THI_82 {IThess_1.52} : Leonides of Halikarnassos donates a stoa at Pharsalos ( c. 275-250 B.C. )
- THI_83 {IG_11.4.756} : Delos sends envoys to Rome ( c. 192 B.C. )
- THI_84 {IKEO_459} : A Bactrian tax-receipt ( c. 180-170 B.C. )
- THI_85 {Paneion_8+} : Graffiti at the Paneion, el-Kanayis ( 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_86 {Achaïe_3.12+} : Laodikeia honours Hagemonidas of Dyme ( 170-164 B.C. )
- THI_87 {IG_12.4.1.132} : Telos honours arbitrators from Kos ( 306-301 B.C. )
- THI_88 {IG_12.6.1.150} : Samos honours judges from Kos ( 306-301 B.C. )
- THI_89 {IG_12.6.1.42} : Samos honours Antileon and Leontinos of Chalkis ( 321-319 B.C. )
- THI_90 {Kolophon_6} : Decree of Kolophon about building new city walls ( 311-306 B.C. )
- THI_91 {IG_11.4.664+} : Delos honours Admetos of Thessalonike ( 240-230 B.C. )
- THI_92 {IG_4.583} : Argos honours Nikokreon, king of Cyprus ( 321-311 B.C. )
- THI_93 {IvP_1.10} : Olympic victory of Attalos of Pergamon ( c. 276 B.C. )
- THI_94 {FD_3.4.357} : Decree of the Amphictyons concerning the Ptolemaieia ( 262/1 B.C. )
- THI_95 {FD_3.1.451} : Delphi honours Satyros of Agrinion ( 200/199 B.C. )
- THI_96 {IG_11.4.1052} : Syros honours Eumedes of Klazomenai ( 250-240 B.C. )
- THI_97 {IG_12.9.207} : Regulations for the Demetrieia games in Euboia ( 294-288 B.C. )
- THI_98 {Miletos_41} : Miletos raises funds by offering annuities ( 211/0 B.C. )
- THI_99 {IG_12.4.1.109+} : Decrees in honour of Greek doctors ( 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_100 {KretChr_1969.281} : Treaty between Malla and king Attalos ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_101 {IKaunos_2} : Beginning of a letter of Eumenes (?) II to Kaunos ( 197-159 B.C. )
- THI_102 {IGLS_4.1261} : Decree of Laodikeia concerning priests of Sarapis and Isis ( 174 B.C. )
- THI_103 {IG_9.1².3.748} : Sympoliteia between Myania and Hypnia ( c. 190 B.C. )
- THI_104 {IG_11.4.1065} : Eretria arbitrates between Paros and Naxos ( 194-166 B.C. )
- THI_105 {IC_3.3.4} : Isopoliteia between Hierapytna and Priansos ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_106 {IC_1.16.1} : Treaty between Gortyn and Lato ( c. 219-216 B.C. )
- THI_107 {Miletos_61} : Sympoliteia between Miletos and Pidasa ( 188-186 B.C. )
- THI_108 {Miletos_36} : Miletos gives shared citizenship to Kios ( c. 228 B.C. )
- THI_109 {JÖAI_8(1905).276} : Hyettos honours Polemarchos and Hagias ( c. 150 B.C. )
- THI_110 {Ephesos_66} : Ephesos honours Melanthios of Theangela ( c. 294-289 B.C. )
- THI_111 {Ephesos_39+} : Ephesos honours Kleitos, Alketas and Neoptolemos ( 322/1 B.C. )
- THI_112 {IC_1.24.1+} : Priansos, Knossos and Aptera honour envoys from Teos ( c. 170 B.C. )
- THI_113 {IC_4.176} : Gortyn honours envoys from Magnesia ( 195-168 B.C. )
- THI_114 {IDelos_1517+} : The Cretans and Paros honour Aglaos of Kos ( 154-150 B.C. )
- THI_115 {FD_3.1.351} : Decree of the Amphictyons concerning a festival at Thebes ( 230-225 B.C. )
- THI_116 {ClaraRhod_2.172} : Thanksgiving of Telmessos after a victory of Eumenes ( 184 B.C. )
- THI_117 {FD_3.4.239} : Achaean exiles honour Simos of Aetolia ( 220-217 B.C. )
- THI_118 {IRhamn_404} : Rhamnous honours Aristeides ( 266/5 B.C. )
- THI_119 {Ephesos_572} : Ephesos condemns citizens of Sardis for sacrilege ( 334-300 B.C. )
- THI_120 {IvP_1.156} : Isopoliteia between Pergamon and Tegea ( 200-159 B.C. )
- THI_121 {Miletos_22} : Treaty of isopoliteia between Miletos and Mylasa ( 215/4 B.C. )
- THI_122 {Miletos_27} : Apollonia on Rhyndakos honours the people of Miletos ( c. 183-150 B.C. )
- THI_123 {IG_9.1.226+} : Loan to Drymaia from the Oitaians ( 160-158 B.C. )
- THI_124 {IG_9.1².583} : Decree of the Acarnanians concerning the temple at Aktion ( c. 216 B.C. )
- THI_125 {IG_7.3172} : Loan to Orchomenos by Nikareta of Thespiai ( 223 B.C. )
- THI_126 {IG_7.3171} : Loan to Orchomenos by Euboulos of Elateia ( 230-210 B.C. )
- THI_127 {IG 7.2426} : Accounts of Pompidas, a cavalry commander ( c. 170-150 B.C. )
- THI_128 {IThesp_62} : A donation of Ptolemaios IV to Thespiai ( c. 210-205 B.C. )
- THI_129 {IThesp_34} : Thespiai honours Q. Bruttius Sura ( c. 86 B.C. )
- THI_130 {IG_9.2.1107b} : Honours for Kriton, priest of Sarapis at Demetrias ( c. 117 B.C. )
- THI_131 {Priene_118} : Law concerning the cult of Sarapis and Isis ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_132 {Priene_68+} : Priene honours Nymphon ( 266-262 B.C. )
- THI_133 {Priene_8+} : Iasos honours Herokrates of Priene ( soon after 197 B.C. )
- THI_134 {Iasos_133} : List of contributions for the theatre at Iasos ( c. 198 B.C. )
- THI_135 {Iasos_154} : List of contributions for corn supply at Iasos ( mid 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_136 {Iasos_131} : Contributions to the Dionysia at Iasos ( mid 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_137 {IKnidos_147+} : Curses from the temple of Demeter at Knidos ( c. 100 B.C. )
- THI_138 {IMT_174+} : Fines owed to the Panathenaia at Ilion ( late 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_139 {TitCal_8+} : The Mogoreis honour Moschion ( 274 B.C. )
- THI_140 {IScM_1.8} : Istros honours Diodoros, Prokritos and Klearchos ( 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_141 {IScM_1.19} : Istros honours Dionysios ( late 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_142 {IScM_1.20} : Istros honours a Carthaginian merchant ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_143 {IGBulg_1.388} : Apollonia honours Hegesagoras of Istros ( 200-150 B.C. )
- THI_144 {IScM_3.7} : Kallatis honours Stratonax ( c. 253 B.C. )
- THI_145 {IGBulg_1.41} : Odessos honours Hermeios of Antioch ( late 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_146 {IGBulg_1.307} : Mesambria honours Sadalas ( 280-240 B.C. )
- THI_147 {FD_3.4.351} : Arbitration of disputes between Melitaia and Peuma ( 270-250 B.C. )
- THI_148 {IC_2.12.21} : Eleutherna recognises Teos as inviolable ( c. 201 B.C. )
- THI_149 {IG_4.1.75} : Arbitration between Epidauros and Hermione ( c. 175-172 B.C. )
- THI_150 {IG_4.1.76+} : Arbitration between Troizen and Arsinoē ( c. 163-146 B.C. )
- THI_151 {FD_3.4.355} : Arbitration between Halos and Phthiotic Thebes ( c. 145-137 B.C. )
- THI_152 {FD_3.3.146} : Delphi honours judges from Opous ( 154/3 B.C. )
- THI_153 {Chios_12} : Chios honours judges from Naxos and Andros ( c. 320 B.C. )
- THI_154 {Gonnoi_91} : Gonnoi honours judges from Skotoussa ( mid 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_155 {Sinuri_10} : Samiades receives honours at Sinuri ( c. 295 B.C. )
- THI_156 {IscrCos_ED.178} : Regulations for the cult of Aphrodite on Kos ( c. 196/5 B.C. )
- THI_157 {IG_5.2.461} : Epitaph of Megakleia at Megalopolis ( c. 160-130 B.C. )
- THI_158 {IKyme_13} : Kyme honours Archippe ( c. 170-150 B.C. )
- THI_159 {IG 11.4.514} : Delos honours Telesinos of Athens ( early 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_160 {IG} : Decrees in honour of Damophon of Messene ( 200-150 B.C. )
- THI_161 {TitCam_110} : Kamiros honours Philokrates ( c. 180-175 B.C. )
- THI_162 {MbBerl_1880.646} : Hanisa in Cappadocia honours Apollonios ( 150-100 B.C. )
- THI_163 {CID_2.139} : Contracts for work before the Pythian Games ( c. 247/6 B.C. )
- THI_164 {IosPE_35} : Olbia honours a ship captain from Amisos ( c. 100 B.C. )
- THI_165 {Moretti,IAG_41} : Sidon honours Diotimos ( c. 200 B.C. )
- THI_166 {IG_12.4.2.433+} : Libraries in Kos, Rhodes and Tauromenion ( 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_167 {Ephesos_69+73} : Ephesos honours the boxer Athenodoros ( c. 300 B.C. )
- THI_168 {IG_12.7.515} : The foundation of Kritolaos at Aigiale ( end of 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_169 {IG_12.1.913} : Astronomical table, found near Lindos ( c. 100 B.C. )
- THI_170 {IKIznik_751} : Epitaph of Menas, a Bithynian soldier ( 281 or 190 B.C. )
- THI_171 {Erythrai_18} : Erythrai honours Polykritos ( c. 275-265 B.C. )
- THI_172 {IMT_2244} : Kyzikos honours Machaon ( shortly after 131 B.C. )
- THI_173 {IG_12.3.171} : Ephesos honours the Astypalaians ( end of 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_174 {Priene_147} : Dedication of an aqueduct by Phile at Priene ( c. 100-50 B.C. )
- THI_175 {Priene_66} : Priene honours its benefactors ( c. 129-80 B.C. )
- THI_176 {IG_4.558} : Dionysiac artists honour Zenon of Argos ( 115/4 B.C. )
- THI_177 {Alabanda_2} : Alabanda honours Pyrrhakos ( c. 85-80 B.C. )
- THI_178 {IG_4.2+} : Megara and Epidauros honour agoranomoi ( 83-73 B.C. )
- THI_179 {Gephya_24.p33} : Metropolis honours Gaius Fabius ( 57 B.C. )
- THI_180 {Sardis 7.1.27} : Sardis honours Iollas ( 75-50 B.C. )
- THI_181 {Miletos_79} : Timarchos and Herakleides dedicate a council-house at Miletos ( 175-166 B.C. )
- THI_182 {Miletos_55} : Miletos grants citizenship to Cretan settlers ( 229/8 B.C. )
- THI_183 {IG_12.2.11} : Contract for an extension to a temple at Mytilene ( c. 330-300 B.C. )
- THI_184 {IG_5.2.265/6} : Mantineia honours Nikippa and Phaena ( 61-42 B.C. )
- THI_185 {IG_14.352} : Allotments of land at Halaisa ( 250-100 B.C. )
- THI_186 {IG_14.645} : Allotments of land at Herakleia, Lucania ( c. 300 B.C. )
- THI_187 {IG_12.5.872} : Sales of land in Tenos ( late 4th century B.C. )
- THI_188 {IKnidos_131} : Dedication by Chrysina at Knidos ( late 4th century B.C. )
- THI_189 {IG_12.4.1.22} : Kos honours Dionysios of Sinope ( late 4th century B.C. )
- THI_190 {Samos_55} : Samos honours Polos ( c. 306 B.C. )
- THI_191 {InscrMetr_5+} : Epitaphs of Apollonios and Aphrodisia at Edfu ( late 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_192 {IG_9.1.694} : Foundation of Aristomenes and Psylla at Corcyra ( 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_193 {IGUR_1.2-3} : Melite and Akragas honour Demetrios of Syracuse ( c. 100-50 B.C. )
- THI_194 {IG_7.3078+} : Accounts of the Basileia games at Lebadeia ( 80-30 B.C. )
- THI_195 {IG_5.1.1432} : Messene honours Aristokles ( c. 70-30 B.C. )
- THI_196 {IG_9.2.415} : Manumission of slaves at Pherai ( c. 27/6 B.C. )
- THI_197 {JÖAI_8[1905].161} : Kolophon honours Athenaios of Pergamon ( c. 180-160 B.C. )
- THI_198 {Fayoum_2.114+117} : Two grants of inviolability in Theadelpheia ( 70 & 56 B.C. )
- THI_199 {Iasos_84} : Decree of Iasos concerning the presbyteroi ( c. 150-100 B.C. )
- THI_200 {IG_12.3.1241} : Base of a statue: (?) Venus de Milo ( c. 150-100 B.C. )
- THI_201 {IG_12.5.563} : Syros honours Onesandros of Siphnos ( 150-100 B.C. )
- THI_202 {MAMA_6.173} : Apameia honours Kephisodoros ( c. 168-166 B.C. )
- THI_203 {IG_2².1006} : Athens honours the ephebes and their officers ( 122/1 B.C. )
- THI_204 {Mylasa_21} : Honours for Iatrokles at Mylasa ( c. 76 B.C. )
- THI_205 {IKnidos_51+} : Knidos honours Theopompos and Artemodoros ( c. 47-20 B.C. )
- THI_206 {BCH_64/65.90} : Law of Delphi against maltreatment of parents ( 315-300 B.C. )
- THI_207 {IG_4².1.590} : Statue of king Philippos at Epidauros ( 218 B.C. )
- THI_208 {IG_4².1.28} : Memorial for war casualties at Epidauros ( 146 B.C. )
- THI_209 {BASOR_220.p55} : Bilingual receipt from Khirbet el-Qom ( 277 B.C. )
- THI_210 {Entella_A1+} : Four decrees of Entella ( c. 250 B.C. )
- THI_211 {IC_2.1.2} : Isopoliteia between Allaria and Paros ( early 2nd century B.C. )
- THI_212 {IG_12.3.254} : The Cretans recognise Anaphe as inviolable ( c. 200-150 B.C. )
- THI_213 {IAegThr_9} : Abdera honours Gaius Apustius ( c. 175-150 B.C. )
- THI_214 {TAM_3.1.2} : Treaty between Termessos and Adada ( 189-133 B.C. )
- THI_215 {TitCal_52+105} : Kalymna honours Aratokritos ( 250-200 B.C. )
- THI_216 {IG_9.2.521} : Dispute concerning the borders of Kondaia ( c. 220-180 B.C. )
- THI_217 {MDAI(A)_32.10} : Pergamon honours Metrodoros ( 133-100 B.C. )
- THI_218 {Halik._25+6} : Contributions for a gymnasium at Halikarnassos ( 275-250 B.C. )
- THI_219 {GIBM_4.2.975} : Decree of Amathous concerning the cult of Aphrodite ( 150-100 B.C. )
- THI_220 {IG_11.4.759+} : Delos and the Islanders honour Timon of Syracuse ( 195-190 B.C. )
- THI_221 {Lindos_2.88+} : Naval monuments in Lindos and Rhodes ( 3rd-1st centuries B.C. )
- THI_222 {Fayoum_2.107+} : Dedications by soldiers in Egypt ( 137-101 B.C. )
- THI_223 {IDelos_503+} : Hiera Syngraphe : lease of temple estates on Delos ( 300 B.C. )
- THI_224 {Gephyra_21.p5} : The foundation of Pokomas at Aloanda ( c. 160-100 B.C. )
- THI_225 {Moretti_1.40} : Argos honours the people of Rhodes ( late 4th century B.C. )
GREEK ( links to off-site translations )
- THI_231 {IG_4.1.128} : Hymn to Asklepios, by Isyllos ( 3rd century B.C. )
- THI_232 {BCH_45.1} : Catalogue of the theorodokoi of Delphi ( 230-210 B.C. )
- THI_233 {IG_11.2.154+} : Inventories of the temples at Delos ( 296-140 B.C. )
- THI_234 {InscrMetr_175} : Hymns to Isis, by Isidoros ( early 1st century B.C. )
- THI_235 {AE_(1989).681} : Roman customs laws at Ephesus ( 62 A.D. )
- THI_236 {IG_12.5.445} : Testimony of Sosthenes about Archilochos ( c. 100-50 B.C. )
- THI_237 {TitCal_28} : Kalymna honours Theognetos of Lampsakos ( 280-260 B.C. )
- THI_238 {IKEO_107} : Victors among the ephebes and youths in Babylon ( 111/0 B.C. )
- THI_239 {IG_12.5.444} : Parian Marble - Chronicle of Paros ( 264/3 B.C. )
- THI_240 {IosPE_1².402} : Treaty between Chersonesos and Pharnakes I of Pontos ( ? 155 B.C. )
- THI_241 {IKEO_290+} : Greek edicts of Ashoka at Kandahar ( c. 258-256 B.C. )
- THI_242 {GVCyr_34} : Cyrene honours two athletes named Neon ( c. 100 B.C. )
- THI_243 {ThessMnemeia_1} : Epitaph of Hediste at Demetrias ( 250-225 B.C. )
- THI_244 { Sardis 7.1.111 } : Epitaph of Menophila at Sardis ( 120-80 B.C. )
- THI_245 { } : Abdera honours the people of Teos ( 165 B.C. )
- THI_246 { IG_14.356 } : A statue of Vergilius Balbus at Halaisa ( 69 B.C. )
- THI_247 { IG_2².2323a } : Didascaliae of comedies performed in Athens ( c. 300 B.C. )
- THI_248 : An Edomite marriage contract from Marisa ( 176 B.C. )
- see also: the bilingual Greek-Aramaic inscription 209
- THI_249 {KAI_18} : Dedication by ʿAbd-elim at Umm al-Amad ( 133/2 B.C. )
- THI_250 {KAI_19} : Dedication of a portico to Astarte ( 222/1 B.C. )
- THI_251 {KAI_51} : Phoenician letter on papyrus ( c. 300 B.C. )
- THI_252 {KAI_43} : Dedication by Yatonbaʿal at Lapethos ( 275/4 B.C. )
- THI_253 {KAI_40} : Dedication by Batshallum at Idalion ( 255/4 B.C. )
- THI_254 {KAI_69} : Tariff of fees for temple of Baʿal, found at Marseilles ( c. 300-250 B.C. )
- THI_255 {KAI_101} : Dedication of a temple to Massinissa at Thugga ( 139/8 B.C. )
- the Phoenician language also appears in several multilingual inscriptions:
- OGIS_17 {KAI_42} : Bilingual, Greek/Phoenician. Lapethos, Cyprus ( early 3rd century B.C )
- GRA_5450 {KAI_60} : Bilingual, Greek/Phoenician. Piraeus, Athens ( ? 96 B.C )
- CIL_1².2226 {KAI_66} : Trilingual, Latin/Greek/Phoenician. S. Nicolò Gerrei, Sardinia ( c. 150 B.C )
- CIL_1².2225 {KAI_172} : Bilingual, Latin/Phoenician. Sulci, Sardinia ( 70-40 B.C. )
- Stele of the satrap Ptolemy Lagides ( 311 B.C.) : see AET_8.5
- Great Mendes Stela ( 264 B.C.) : see AET_8.7
- THI_256 : Sais Stele of Ptolemy II ( 264/3 B.C. )
- THI_257 : Decree of Alexandria ( 243 B.C. )
- THI_258 {CM_22183} : Pithom Stele ( c. 264 B.C. )
- Canopus Decree ( 238 B.C.) : see AET_8.10
- THI_259 {CM_31088} : Raphia Decree ( 217 B.C. )
- Memphis Decree ( "Rosetta Stone", 196 B.C.) : see AET_8.11
- THI_260 : Second Philae Decree ( 186 B.C. )
- THI_261 : First Philae Decree ( 185/4 B.C. )
- THI_262 : Decree of the priests at Memphis ( 182 B.C. )
- THI_263 : Stele of Ptolemy VIII at Heracleion ( c. 118 B.C. )
- for some other Egyptian documents of the Hellenistic period, see Ancient Egyptian Texts
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