
OGIS: 444


Greek text:   IMT_170   ( I.Ilion 10 )
Date:    77 B.C.
Tags:     festivals , leagues 
Format:   see key to translations

The 'Confederation of Athena Ilias' had been in existence since the 4th century B.C. ( see Syll_330 ), but by the time of this inscription it was clearly struggling, most recently as a result of the First Mithridatic War.  This agreement was intended to ease the financial pressure on the member cities; for related evidence from the coinage of the league, see A.Ellis-Evans, "The Koinon of Athena Ilias and its Coinage", pp.137-8 & 145-6 ( PDF ).

The date of this and other decrees of the league has been discussed by J.Ma, "Dating the New Decree of the Confederation of Athena Ilias", pp.55-56 ( PDF ).    L. Julius Caesar, the quaestor who is mentioned in the inscription, was the son of the Roman censor who was honoured by Ilion in OGIS_440.

Compact and agreement between the cities concerning the festival.   When Demetrios of Ilion, son of Hippodamas, and his colleagues were agonothetes, in the ninth year, in the month of Seleukeios as the Ilians reckon, while the quaestor Lucius Julius Caesar son of Lucius was residing here, the following agreement and compact was made by those who came to the temple of Athena and to the quaestor Lucius Julius Caesar son of Lucius, namely:

The money that the cities owe to Athena Ilias shall be charged an interest of one-sixtieth for ten years, since everyone consented to this because of the afflictions of the cities; for the previous years, all the cities shall be released from the interest, and payment of the interest shall not be exacted in any way; after the aforesaid time has elapsed, the interest shall be one fifteenth, as is contained in [? the treaty]. If any of the cities invalidate this agreement, or do not send their magistrates or their sacrifices to the festival . . . 20 a crown for valour . . . [the procession shall be conducted] now also, and it shall be managed in the same way as previously; [and the sacrifice shall be performed] in the same way as previously; and the cows [shall be bought with the income from] all [the fields] that are let out by the [goddess; and in accordance with ancestral custom] another cow [shall be sacrificed] not only to [ Zeus Polieus but similarly to all the gods ], as has been ordained by law. The agonothetes and the councillors {synedroi} who are assigned [for future income shall now also provide] oil for anointing; [and the agonothetes] and the councillors who are assigned for [future] income [shall manage] the arrangements concerning the theatrical events and the recitals; and the gymnastic and equestrian contest 30 shall occur during the [great] Panathenaia.   During the little Panathenaia, as much as possible shall be reserved from the income, as decided by the agonothetes and the councillors; and concerning the prizes and the expenses for the meetings of the magistrates and the councillors and the others, as is customary money shall be reserved now also, after first subtracting money for the aforesaid purposes, and the agonothetes and the councillors who are assigned for [future] income shall allocate the money.  The cities shall send theoroi [just as] previously, but the money that is reserved shall not [? be allocated] to theoric activities for a period of ten years; and the first fruits shall be managed just as [previously].  If it is necessary for the council to send embassies, 40 there shall be given - [either to three of the theoroi who] are appointed each year or to three envoys - however much is decided by [the agonothetes and the councillors] who are assigned for [future income; the council shall allocate to [the envoys] and the [theoroi] . . . 

inscription 445

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