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1 | ROM Papirius Cursor is appointed dictator.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.38'9-14;* +FastCap_p48; { The Roman fasti count this year as a "dictator year", but the narrative of Livy treats the events listed here as part of the previous year. .} | ||||||||
2 | C.Junius, the magister equitum, receives a bad omen while trying to pass the lex curiata.
@ +Liv_9.38'15-39'1. | ||||||||
3 | MES << Antigonus attempts to recapture Babylon, but is forced out by Seleucus.
@ +BabylChron_3'R14-31; AstrDiar_309A.obv'9-14; { Errington_p38; the fighting started in August 310 B.C., and continued until February of the following year.} | ||||||||
4 | EPI Heracles is put to death after Cassander and Polyperchon come to an agreement.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Lycoph_801-804; +MarmPar_B'18; +Diod_20.28'1-4;* Plut:Mor_530'C-D; Paus_9.7'2; Just_15.2'3; Trog:Prol_15; Oros_3.23'38; { CAH_7.1'54; Errington_p46.} | ||||||||
5 | GRE ?? Epicurus attends lectures by Nausiphanes and other philosophers.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:ND_1'73, '93; DiogLaert_1'15, 10'13-14;* Suda_E'2404. | ||||||||
6 | AEG << Epicurus starts teaching at Mytilene, and then at Lampsacus.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Plut:Mor_1090'E; DiogLaert_10'2,* '4, ~'14, ~'15; Suda_E'2404; { ~ OCD³; Green_59.} | ||||||||
7 | ETR The Romans defeat the Etruscans near Lake Vadimon.
@ +Liv_9.39'1-11. | ||||||||
8 | SIC Hamilcar is defeated and killed at Syracuse.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Cic:Div_1'50; +Diod_20.29'2-30'2;* ValMax_1.7e'8; Just_22.7'1-2; Oros_4.6'28; { CAH_7.1'401.} | ||||||||
9 | LYC Ptolemy attacks Lycia and Caria.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.27'1-2;* Plut:Demetr_7'5; Porph:Fr_42; { Hölbl_p19; Errington_p40.} | ||||||||
10 | ITA Cursor defeats the Samnites.
@ +Liv_9.40'1-14. | ||||||||
11 | Cursor threatens an ally from Praeneste with the lictor's axe.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.16'17-18;* Plin:HN_17'81;L [Vict]:VirIll_31'4-5; AmmMarc_30.8'5. | ||||||||
12 | MES {Abu -B = August} A night attack by Seleucus on the army of Antigonus.
* Read Polyaenus' account @ +BabylChron_3'L2; Polyaen_4.9'1;* { CAH_7.1'53; Green_29.} | ||||||||
13 | SIC Acragas and other cities gain their freedom after the death of Hamilcar.
@ +Diod_20.31'1-32'2; { CAH_7.2'663.} | ||||||||
14 | AFR Agathocles threatens suicide to stop a mutiny in his army, after the murder of Lyciscus by Archagathus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.33'1-34'7;* Just_22.7'7; Oros_4.6'32; { CAH_7.1'396 15
| ROM {15 October -R} The triumph of Cursor, over the Samnites.
| * Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.40'15-17,* 10.39'14, 46'4; #FastTr_p96. 16
| AFR Agathocles narrowly defeats the Carthaginian army in a battle in the interior of Africa, but his camp is looted by the Numidians.
| * Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.38'1-39'6;* Just_22.7'6; Oros_4.6'31; { CAH_7.1'396.} 17
| AEG Ptolemaeus the nephew of Antigonus joins Ptolemy at Cos, but is later put to death.
| @ +Diod_20.27'3; { ~CAH_7.1'54-55; Errington_p41.} 18
| ROM {13 November -R} The triumph of Fabius, over the Etruscans.
| * Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.40'15-17,* 10.39'14, 46'4; #FastTr_p96. |
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| 07.10.24
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