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1 | EPI << Pyrrhus marries Antigone, the daughter of Berenice, and returns to Epirus, where he becomes joint king with Neoptolemus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Pyrrh_4'5-5'3;* Paus_1.6'8, 11'5; Porph:Fr_42; { CAH_7.2'459; OCD³.} |
2 | GRE ?? Lachares enriches himself by plundering the public buildings of Athens.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Athen_9.405'f<q" Demetrius>; +FGrH_257a'4; Plut:Mor_379'C; Paus_1.29'16;* { No doubt a continuous process, but dated to this year by the anonymous chronicler in FGrH_257a.} |
3 | PEL The Olympic victors include two men who have won prizes at all the major games, Pythagoras in the stadion race, and Nicon of Boeotia in the pancration.
@ +FGrH_257a'4. |
4 | ITA The proconsuls Decius and Fabius capture Murgantia and other towns in Samnium.
@ +Liv_10.16'2-17'12. |
5 | ETR Claudius and Volumnius defeat a combined Etruscan and Samnite army in Etruria; Claudius vows to build a temple to Bellona.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.18'1-19'22;* CIL_6.40943, 11.1827; Ovid:Fast_6'201-203; DioCass_fr.36'27; [Vict]:VirIll_34'5; { CAH_7.2'378; possibly on 3rd June (the date in Ovid).} |
6 | Volumnius defeats a Samnite army which had invaded Campania, in a battle near the river Volturnus.
@ +Liv_10.20'1-21'2; { CAH_7.2'378.} |
7 | ROM The senate introduces emergency measures before receiving news of Volumnius' victory.
@ +Liv_10.21'3-6. |
8 | PAL Demetrius captures Samaria.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1721; { Green_502.} |
9 | ROM Fabius and Decius are elected consuls to take charge of the war against the Etruscans and Samnites.
@ +Liv_10.21'11-22'9. |
10 | ROM Omens at Rome, which the seer Manius interprets as portending victory.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.23'1-10;* DioCass_fr.36'28; Zonar_8'1.(p275) |
11 | The aediles Cn. and Q.Ogulnius exact fines from money-lenders and use the money on public works, including a statue of a wolf suckling Romulus and Remus.
@ +Liv_10.23'11-13; { CAH_7.2'412; OCD³.} |
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| 15.01.25
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