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1 | ROM << The Romans build a new fleet, which is paid for by private contributions.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.59'2-8;* ~Zonar_8'16;(p13) { ~CAH_7.2'564; Green_698.} |
2 | Metellus, the pontifex maximus, prevents Postumius from going to Sicily.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_37.51'1-2; +[Liv]:Per_19;* ValMax_1.1'2; Tac:Ann_3'71. |
2a | << Ptolemaeus "Andromachou" is killed in Ephesus by Thracian mercenaries.
@ PHaun_6'11-13; Athen_13.593'a-b; { Hölbl_p50; Bennett.} |
3 | SYR << Seleucus' army is defeated by the Egyptians, and forced to retreat to Antioch.
* Read Justin's account @ Daniel_11'9; ~Just_27.2'4-5;* { Hölbl_p50.} |
4 | MES Seleucus founds the city of Callinicum.
@ +ChronPasc_429'B. |
5 | SIC Lutatius besieges Drepana.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_1.59'8-12;* Diod_24.11'1; ~Oros_4.10'5; +Zonar_8'17;(p13) { CAH_7.2'565.} |
5a | GRE << Antigonus forms an alliance with the Aetolian League.
@ Polyb_2.43'9-10, 9.34'6-7; { CAH_7.1'251; Green_698; Scholten_p93?245.} |
5b | ?? Polycritus, a leader of the Aetolians, is reported to have appeared and talked at an assembly of the league after his death.
@ Phlegon:Mir_2'1-9; { Also mentioned by Proclus ( Greek text: archive.org ; see Scholten_p89.} |
6 | PEL << Ptolemy III is proclaimed to be leader of the Achaean League.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Arat_24'4-6;* Paus_2.8'5; { CAH_7.1'251-252; Green_153.} |
7 | Aratus invades Attica.
@ ~Plut:Arat_24'3-4; { CAH_7.1'252; Green_698.} |
7a | LYC << Document: SEG_36.1218, a letter from Ptolemy III to the city of Xanthus. |
8 | EGY {16 Payni -E = August} Document: BD_97, a letter from Horus to Harmais. |
8a | Document: SelPap_2.392, an order for the payment of rent on the land of Alcetas. |
8b | MAC {Gorpiaios -M} Document: SEG_12.373 & 374, decrees of Amphipolis and Pella concerning the sanctuary of Asclepius on Cos. |
8c | Document: Austin_65,B a decree of Philippi concerning the sanctuary of Asclepius on Cos. { Errington_p104.} |
9 | SYR The Egyptians besiege Damascus, but it is relieved by Seleucus.
@ ~[Euseb]:Chron_251;(↓) { Hölbl_p50.} |
10 | PEL King Leonidas II of Sparta is deposed by Agis.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_4.35'11; ~Plut:Agis_11'2-9,* 16'7, 17'2, 21'5; Paus_3.6'7-8; { CAH_7.1'253.} |
11 | AEG == Document: RC_25-28 & SEG_12.370, letters of Ziaelas, Ptolemy and other kings concerning the sanctuary of Asclepius on Cos. { Errington_p123.} |
11a | == Document: SEG_51.1056, decrees of several Cretan cities concerning the sanctuary of Asclepius on Cos. |
12 | SYR << The birth of Antiochus III.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ ~Athen_10.439'e<q"* Polyb_20.8'1>; ~Diod_29.2'1; ~Appian:Syr_16; { CAH_7.1'434; OCD³.} |
13 | ROM >> The number of praetors is increased to two.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_19;* Justin:Dig_1.2.2'28<q" Pomponius>; { CAH_7.2'670; OCD³?244.} |
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| 18.01.25
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